Wednesday 18 July 2012

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Many patients in the blood sugar does not know how much blood sugar normal, do not know their blood glucose is high, is not diabetic, following the problems we are more concerned about the detailed description.
Fasting blood glucose normal range:
Normal fasting blood glucose range is 3.9-6.1mmol / L (70-110mg/dL), higher than 7.0mmol / L (126mg/dL) diagnosed with diabetes. Fasting diabetes diagnostic criteria 7.0 mmol or 126 mg of this standard, you can see the diagnosis of normal and diabetic fasting there is a gap. Some people are neither normal, nor to diabetes. Tube such symptoms is called the fasting plasma glucose level (impaired).
Postprandial blood glucose normal range:
The normal two hours postprandial blood sugar range is 3.9-7.8mmol / L (70-140mg/dL). The diagnostic criteria of the postprandial blood glucose 11.1 mmol or 200 mg or more. Then there is a gap between 140 and 200. If the blood sugar at this stage, we call it doing the postprandial hyperglycemia.
This is neither the diabetes is not normal. However, this is very dangerous to blood sugar, it is easy to get diabetes. Such people must be careful. Hat hanging over his head. If not avoided, will soon wear the hat of diabetes. Even if it is completely normal blood sugar, if you have some risk factors have to pay attention to the prevention of diabetes.
High blood sugar is usually mentioned in the "three high" high. Modern society, due to the improvement of living standards and unhealthy living habits, many people are likely to will be blood sugar is high, if not controlled in time, there is the evolution of diabetes in danger.