Friday 6 July 2012

Vegetables and fruits for kidney failure patient

A renal failure diet, pay attention to controlling water and salt (sodium) intake
Renal failure diet, avoid foods containing high potassium and phosphorus. Renal failure diet, renal failure patients should limit protein intake, in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, renal failure diet, but if you eat less, consume the body's muscles and internal organs crime Yue River ... the amount should be every day 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight, renal failure diet, intake of high value, high quality physiological animal protein foods, such as: milk, eggs, meat. Renal failure diet, due to lower utilization of plant proteins in the body, renal failure diet, metabolism, produce more
3, the amount of salt in the diet of patients with renal failure should the illness, and the case of hypertension, edema, to use low-salt diet, a daily 2 g of salt.
4 It is noteworthy that there are some foods to meet the previous conditions, such as egg yolk, meat floss, animal offal, dairy products, bone marrow, but unfit for human consumption, due to their high phosphorus content and phosphorus retention can contribute to kidney further deterioration of the function. In order to reduce the phosphorus content in the food, the consumption of fish, meat, potatoes, etc., should be boiled first disposable soup after cooking further.
5, after the renal excretion of drugs may damage the kidneys, such as gentamicin, sulfa antibiotics, penicillin, indomethacin, acetaminophen, and hormones, contrast agent.
Soft diet should avoid hard foods and fried foods, patients with chronic renal failure due to toxin retention in the body and blood microcirculation hinder reason caused by the gastrointestinal mucosa often has congestion, corruption forms, such as eating hard foods, fried foods such as sesame cake sugar, fried noodles nest often lead to food in the stomach to cut through the blood vessels and the formation of the bleeding.