Friday 20 July 2012

What are the main symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Kind of diabetic complications is diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy in patients with symptoms of diabetic nephropathy should be promptly treated, otherwise there may be developed into uremia or renal failure, understand the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is very necessary, then , the main symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, what does?
1, edema, in patients with early diabetic nephropathy is usually no swelling, a small number of patients in the reduced plasma protein, may have mild swelling, edema occurs when the 24-hour urine protein of more than 3 grams. Obvious systemic edema, found only in the rapid development of diabetic nephropathy.
2, hypertension, high blood pressure is common in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Severe kidney disease and more hypertension, high blood pressure can accelerate the progression of diabetic nephropathy and deterioration. Therefore, effective control of hypertension is very important.
3, proteinuria, glomerular filtration pressure increased and filtration membrane charge changes, only the albumin in the urine for the selective proteinuria, no globulin increase, this state is sustainable for many years. With the increase of the glomerular basement membrane filter pore, the macromolecules can be via non-selective clinical proteinuria, urinary protein gradually becomes persistent heavy proteinuria with the further development of the lesions, proteinuria over 3 g / day, is a sign of poor prognosis. The severity of diabetic nephropathy in patients with proteinuria mostly sexual development, until the emergence of the nephrotic syndrome.
4, renal insufficiency, diabetic nephropathy, once started, the process is progressive azotemia, uremia is the final outcome.
5 obvious azotemia, anemia, diabetes patients may have mild to moderate anemia, iron therapy is not valid. Anemia, erythropoietin due to an impediment, may be associated with long-term restricted protein diet, azotemia related.