Wednesday 18 July 2012

How To Control Post Prandial Blood Sugars

For people with diabetes, blood glucose level is critical, it has a direct impact on the patient's condition and health status, long-term control of blood sugar is not good, but also lead to a variety of complications, so for people with diabetes said, must control the blood sugar, because people do not pay attention at dinner time, so often the relatively high postprandial blood glucose, diabetes, high postprandial blood glucose, how do?
Diabetes postprandial blood glucose is high how to do?
1, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Insulin
After breakfast, due to lack of basal insulin secretion caused by high blood sugar, plus bedtime intermediate-acting insulin can help control fasting blood glucose, and thus make the blood glucose decreased significantly after breakfast.
Diabetes treatment center in Hebei experts advise: postprandial blood glucose in patients with mixed insulin preparations to note two points: First, close observation of blood glucose, insulin dosage adjusted according to the small magnitude of the blood glucose level; is to prevent low blood sugar every time to adjust to a point dosage of 2-3 days to adjust, until satisfied.
2, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Breakfast
Postprandial blood glucose in diabetic patients, the breakfast also be replaced by "thick" porridge heating time is longer, starch easily converted into dextrin and then easily broken down into glucose, At the same time, the porridge was semi-fluid state, gastric emptying is a relatively short time after eating, eat porridge to eat staple food easier to elevated postprandial blood glucose. Therefore, breakfast is best not only porridge together, to eat a "dense" food, adhere to eat the staple food.
3, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Hypoglycemic agents
Diabetes Treatment Center in Hebei experts pointed out that the high postprandial blood glucose, diabetes, hypoglycemic agents, should be replaced with available hypoglycemic agents, use once a day up to the US-Hong sustained release tablets or acting insulin similar drugs can effectively complement the insulin control of postprandial hyperglycemia, and safety and security, acarbose can delay the absorption of carbohydrates after a meal, is the control of postprandial hyperglycemia better drugs.
The experts advise: patients with high postprandial blood glucose in order to avoid insulin use excessive glycemic control are not satisfied with oral hypoglycemic agents, such as the commonly used metformin. The drug can reduce the role of liver glycogen decomposition, but also have to confront the effects of insulin resistance; In thiazolidine TZDs also have the same effect. Used in the clinic have a list of ketone. Two - hour postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with the aforementioned drugs still can not control the service should also add a glucosidase inhibitor acarbose (Glucobay), can achieve good treatment