Saturday 14 July 2012

How to prevent diabetes Caused by kidney disease

 The risk factors of diabetic nephropathy risk factors can be divided into non-intervention, as well as the risk factors may intervene. Not intervene such as duration of diabetes, age, duration of diabetes, the longer the older, more susceptible to kidney disease. There are a lot of intervention, but through our diabetic kidney disease can be avoided after the intervention, intervention methods, basically the subjects basically the same.
Experts with diabetes to do the following:
The diet should be controlled carbohydrate intake, ensure that the daily per kilogram of body weight calories 30-35 kcal. The diet must contain adequate nutrition and an appropriate proportion of sugar, protein and fat. Mainly to do the following three points:
Low-protein diet: normal renal function in early diabetic nephropathy, protein intake should be controlled, high-protein diet can increase a patient's glomerular filtration rate, further increase the burden of patients with early diabetic nephropathy kidney.
Salt restriction: the sodium intake of the General Assembly to increase the burden on the kidney, limiting salt can effectively prevent the progress of complications. Accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not unduly limit the sodium salt, or even need to add.