Friday 6 July 2012

How to treat diabetic nephropathy with proteinuria

Possible diabetic nephropathy glomerular filtration rate increased in patients with diabetic nephropathy often have proteinuria appears a long history of diabetes, the first consideration is not diabetic nephropathy, can cause proteinuria, also need to identify whether the nephrotic syndrome nephrotic syndrome, high blood lipid, low protein, proteinuria, in addition to edema, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital, see the Department of Endocrinology, and for blood lipids, renal function, and other tests.
Have become accustomed to a lot of diabetic patients on albuminuria, but also pay little attention to kidney disease experts point out that patients with diabetic nephropathy should pay attention to proteinuria, proteinuria will be harmful to the kidneys, the following for the experts for your specific introduction of diabetic nephropathy in patients with protein knowledge of urine.
Diabetic nephropathy, occurs in 5 to 7 years after the onset of diabetes, patients with no symptoms, examination may detect microalbuminuria urine protein proteinuria. Clinical proteinuria, characterized by proteinuria, edema and blood pressure rise. And finally into the clinic with terminal kidney disease, renal failure, uremia, uremic stage to rely on dialysis and kidney transplant. Found that microalbuminuria, early treatment, will give the kidney to bring the chance of rehabilitation. Therefore, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, microalbuminuria testing is particularly important. Moreover, recent studies also found that the urine albumin-positive early signs of microangiopathy, diabetic patients with heart, renal vascular disease risk factors and prognosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes are closely related.