Saturday 23 June 2012

High glycosylated hemoglobin treatment?

Of diabetes guidelines recommend glycated hemoglobin target value should be below 6.5% within this range of values ​​that the ideal blood glucose control, more than eight percent (8%) means that the need to strengthen the blood glucose control. The glycosylated hemoglobin content is not the main reason is that the day-to-day fasting and postprandial blood glucose control is not so good.
According to the study found that glycemic control in the ideal range, fasting less than 6, the 2-hour postprandial of less than 8, measured three months after the glycosylated hemoglobin must be below 6.5%.
Many of my friends are asking, diabetes early symptoms of what? This question easy to answer for a small number of people who, say, a little more than symptoms, that is, eat more, drink more, urine, weight loss This is explained for the symptoms of a handful of people, including Type 1 diabetes. If you have the two are very close, then you need to go to the hospital to detect the body.
Of course there are exceptions. In fact, most people in the early stages, and no early symptoms of diabetes a little over a situation. We will meet patients in the treatment of diabetes often himself said no symptoms. But only blood sugar high. Patients, I wondered, in fact, it is not surprising that diabetes itself occult is very strong, a lot of time is not specifically to check blood sugar diabetes found, for example, some patients with eyes suddenly not clear, some body parts wound healing is always not. There is a body skin itching, more male friends to the problem of declining sexual function, then these patients go to the hospital to see the doctor, the doctor asked, have diabetes? Ah, the direct answer, statement to check the blood sugar are often very high. The friends of these patients is the long-term blood sugar at a high level state, only the body of these symptoms, so that the project of a regular physical examination, blood sugar are also included physical examination is necessary.
The symptoms of diabetes in fact there are many, for example, often feel fatigue. Weakness. Numbness, early prevention, early detection and early treatment can return to the ranks of the healthy people pay more attention to the observation. Patients do not think no obvious symptoms there is no need for treatment, this approach is very wrong, as long as glycosylated hemoglobin above normal levels, patients should be active conduct a thorough treatment on the root cause.