Sunday 17 June 2012

Diabetic patients with edema and nephrotic?

Edema is a common symptom of diabetic patients, diabetic patients why there is edema, diabetic patients with edema symptom is kidney disease appeared? Let us detail the look.
In accordance with in accordance with currently the most advanced and cutting-edge diagnostic, high blood pressure of diabetic nephropathy is a glomerular epithelial cell disease and mesangial cell damage caused by a series of pathological changes. Overall, therefore, reason for diabetic nephropathy with hypertension edema because of glomerular epithelial cells and mesangial cells have been damaged.
Why patients with diabetes edema?
Diabetic nephropathy in hypertensive patients because of high blood sugar causes in a glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration state, on the one hand, across the capillary wall pressure increased, expansion of the mesangial cells, epithelial cell foot process fusion and produce dense droplets glomerular epithelial cells detached from the basement membrane. On the other hand, high blood sugar lead to increased glomerular basement membrane collagen type Ⅳ messenger sugar nucleic acid, basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial nodular lesions, the occurrence of glomerular sclerosis. Because the normal function of the glomerular epithelial cells of gross vascular damage, leading to epithelial cells of the synthesis is rich in anionic barrier function damage. This feature is damage, with the negative charge of the protein in the blood due to epithelial barrier function is damaged without blocking went to urine, and excreted with the urine, then proteinuria .
Of diabetic nephropathy in hypertensive patients with the disease has been increasing, the damage to the renal unit more and more increase in glomerulosclerosis, tubulo - interstitial fibrosis is increasing, and then the protein leakage more and more, the loss of protein too many to constitute the hypoproteinemia, loss of the protein from the glomerular capillaries, resulting in decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure (plasma colloid plasma proteins), the important role of the plasma colloid is conditioning the blood vessels inside and outside the water exchange it appears that the osmotic pressure, the water content in the blood specific gravity than the organization, and thus the blood in the water will penetrate into the tissue space, organization of more water infiltration, the more piled up, and ultimately will lead to body edema.
Diabetic patients with edema should be treated how?
Ideas and methods are also clearly understand the root cause of the treatment of diabetic edema, the need to repair the damage to the capillaries in the kidney epithelial cells and mesangial cells, recovery of renal function, renal function recovery, the protein will not leak, nor edema, and these are closely related. Governance of nephropathy best hospital is the determination of renal intrinsic cells in repair damage and restore renal function to prevent the traditional western treatment palliatives developed a kind of signature treatments. Through the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine permeability tester directly after ultrafine grinding of Chinese herbal ingredients to penetrate into parts of the renal lesions, both to reduce the loss of drug efficacy in the process to reach the lesion, but also to avoid the toxic side effects on the digestive system, kidney organ.
Practice has proved that as long as the damage to epithelial cells and mesangial cell function have been restored, and kidney function will be rebuilt, restored kidney function, proteinuria + will disappear, the cause of the edema will disappear due to protein loss. And micro-based medicine is the treatment on the source of proteinuria and edema, proteinuria, edema recurrence probability will reduce.