Friday 15 June 2012

Diabetes hypoglycemia great harm!

Many patients with diabetes there is no such misunderstanding: that diabetes is high blood sugar does not cause low blood sugar. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of diabetes is not equivalent to high blood sugar, patients with diabetes caused by low blood sugar than ordinary caused severe hypoglycemia.
Diabetes hypoglycemia harm?
1, patients with hypoglycemia coma from lack of timely rescue can cause death.
2, repeated hypoglycemia can make the disease difficult to control. Because of low blood sugar, the body of glucagon will increase, leading to low blood sugar rebound high blood sugar (hematoxylin Jie reaction), resulting in blood sugar fluctuations.
3, low blood sugar reactions if long-term recurrent, will lead to irreversible damage of the central nervous system, causing brain dysfunction.
4, low blood sugar can also stimulate the cardiovascular system, increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents such as myocardial infarction, the risk of stroke.
Diabetes hypoglycemia great harm! In particular, the elderly lead to the dangers of low blood sugar, it is necessary to control blood sugar stable. Hypoglycemic drugs or insulin is apt to cause blood sugar fluctuations, it is recommended that the application of multi-target Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy to start from the root treatment, glycemic control ideal!