Saturday 30 June 2012

Diabetes common 8-error treatment

Master the correct method of treatment of diabetes in the early stage of diabetes, not only can effectively away from the complications of less afflicted, and can save a lot of medical expenses for a family. Here we look at patients with diabetes common error treatment in the healing process and hope that the majority of patients with diabetes to learn a lesson from better treatment of diabetes.
An unscheduled return visit. Others, and follow the trend of medicine. Diabetic patients with serious illness, complications, the main reason.
Blind pursuit of the cure can "root". Some patients even in the case of blood glucose has been well controlled, stop at this stage an effective treatment, try to find the "magic bullet" will come to naught.
3 does not control the diet. Diet therapy is the treatment of diabetes, its purpose is to reduce the burden on the islet β-cells to help restore function. Does not control the diet and hypoglycemic agents want more clothes to offset, like "flogging a sick horse, is wrong and dangerous.
(4) the feel of medication. Many patients with no obvious discomfort, adjustable hypoglycemic medicinal amount, will lead to poor glycemic control.
5, the insulin when treated with insulin.
6, the characteristics of oral hypoglycemic agents do not understand. Such as the efficacy of sulfonylurea drugs with time gradually increased, and therefore can not rush to the dressing. And has a maximum effective dose of each hypoglycemic agents. The maximum effective dose is not used, do the early conclusion.
7, the blind to worry about drug side effects. Some people think that taking a long time, will damage the liver and kidney function. In fact, the dose of hypoglycemic agents within the limits prescribed in the Pharmacopoeia, are safe. The side effects are only seen in individual patients, and disappeared after discontinuation. And side effects compared to high blood sugar does not control the consequences much more serious.
The high price is a good medicine. Does not exist the question of which drug is better, the scientific to say what kind of hypoglycemic agents is more suitable for you.