Sunday 17 June 2012

Diabetic kidney disease can be cured?

Diabetic patients after 10 years if blood sugar long-term lack of effective control will lead to the emergence of diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy is the main cause of death in patients with diabetes, from the root cause of the good treatment of the patient's health plays an important role. diabetic nephropathy can not be cured, many patients are very concerned about the problem, let to a detailed look at.
The treatment of diabetic nephropathy should be noted that the problem?
In early diabetic nephropathy, to limit the intake of protein, there is edema and renal insufficiency patients in the diet in addition to limit sodium intake, protein intake should take the principle of small but efficient , when necessary, may be appropriate to lose amino acids and plasma. Under the guarantee of the insulin, can be appropriately increased carbohydrate intake to ensure adequate heat. Fat to choose vegetable oil.
Oral hypoglycemic agents, medication, the main choice, control is not good for the simple diet and oral hypoglycemic agents, and patients with renal insufficiency, early use of insulin, insulin when blood sugar to adjust the dose in a timely manner.
Patients use insulin to lower blood sugar at the same time, it should be a good treatment for the repair of damaged islet cell infiltration therapy of micro-based medicine is an effective treatment of diabetic nephropathy from the root cause of the way the Chinese herb in the treatment process will not cause any side effects to patients.
3, high blood pressure can cause the accelerated progression of diabetic nephropathy and deterioration, requiring the control of diabetes and blood pressure levels lower than non-diabetic hypertensive patients. Also limit the intake of sodium. Patients to quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, weight loss and appropriate exercise. Antihypertensive drugs have favored the preferred angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, often in combination with calcium antagonists. But also according to the disease due plus diuretics.
Diabetic nephropathy can not be cured, has a vital relationship and the time of the patients and the use of the treatment, the patient must not be a simple treatment for the elimination of symptoms, recurrence of the disease will cause more serious harm to the patient, if you want to learn more knowledge, timely advice and online experts.