Saturday 30 June 2012

Diabetes common 8-error treatment

Master the correct method of treatment of diabetes in the early stage of diabetes, not only can effectively away from the complications of less afflicted, and can save a lot of medical expenses for a family. Here we look at patients with diabetes common error treatment in the healing process and hope that the majority of patients with diabetes to learn a lesson from better treatment of diabetes.
An unscheduled return visit. Others, and follow the trend of medicine. Diabetic patients with serious illness, complications, the main reason.
Blind pursuit of the cure can "root". Some patients even in the case of blood glucose has been well controlled, stop at this stage an effective treatment, try to find the "magic bullet" will come to naught.
3 does not control the diet. Diet therapy is the treatment of diabetes, its purpose is to reduce the burden on the islet β-cells to help restore function. Does not control the diet and hypoglycemic agents want more clothes to offset, like "flogging a sick horse, is wrong and dangerous.
(4) the feel of medication. Many patients with no obvious discomfort, adjustable hypoglycemic medicinal amount, will lead to poor glycemic control.
5, the insulin when treated with insulin.
6, the characteristics of oral hypoglycemic agents do not understand. Such as the efficacy of sulfonylurea drugs with time gradually increased, and therefore can not rush to the dressing. And has a maximum effective dose of each hypoglycemic agents. The maximum effective dose is not used, do the early conclusion.
7, the blind to worry about drug side effects. Some people think that taking a long time, will damage the liver and kidney function. In fact, the dose of hypoglycemic agents within the limits prescribed in the Pharmacopoeia, are safe. The side effects are only seen in individual patients, and disappeared after discontinuation. And side effects compared to high blood sugar does not control the consequences much more serious.
The high price is a good medicine. Does not exist the question of which drug is better, the scientific to say what kind of hypoglycemic agents is more suitable for you.

How to treat Diabetic skin itching?

Diabetic human skin resistance weakened and prone to bacteria, fungal infections, leading to folliculitis, furuncle, carbuncle, or skin erythema, chicken pox, etc., increased skin itching, severe cases can cause sepsis. Serious harm to the health of diabetic patients, diabetic patients the right care is very important to the health of the patient's skin itching after.
How to deal with Diabetic skin itching?
1, to maintain the best control of diabetes: in a high glycemic index, will make you susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections disease, high blood sugar can also cause dry skin. With warm water, not too hot water bath or shower. Hot water will make the skin dry.
Keep the skin dry parts moist: Use a moisturizing and emollient soap. In the cold, dry months, keep your room humid. Drink plenty of water, drink plenty of water can help you keep the skin moist.
3, to maintain some other parts of the skin is dry: the need to keep dry skin next to the skin area. These areas between the toes, the liquid fossa and groin. Sprinkle with talcum powder in these parts that can help you keep them dry.
Protect the skin not to be exposure: strong sunlight will dry and burn your skin. Need to outdoor sunlight, you should wear anti-sweat clothes, the clothing of the anti-sweat of the sun, at least 1.5 standard anti-exposure to the sun protection measures should be consistent.
Immune function in vivo glucose in diabetic patients can not take full advantage of the negative balance of protein metabolism leading to nutritional disorders; hyperglycemia weakened the leukocyte bactericidal capacity of the skin, decreased immune function. Control of blood sugar control blood sugar strictly under the guidance of specialists, which is the basis to improve the itching. Studies have shown that oxidative stress is the main cause of the occurrence and development of diabetes and its complications, from the root cause of anti-oxidative stress therapy is an effective treatment of diabetes on the root cause of itchy skin.

Friday 29 June 2012

Causes of diabete lower sugar

Light medication review is not
Some patients have been adhered to medication, results or complications, mainly because they are not regularly reviewed. The blood glucose test results is an important basis for the drug of choice and adjust the dose. Sulfonylurea drugs, efficacy gradually decreased over time (antidiabetic drug secondary failure), periodic review, such as patients do not pay attention to the drug secondary failure, in fact, just like untreated.
Rely solely on drugs to ignore diet, exercise and other treatment
Some patients spend drug, eat it anyway and tried to offset the intake of food by increasing the dose to. The result of such practices is not conducive to blood glucose control, easy to make body fat, increased insulin resistance, but also to increase the islet burden, accelerated β-cell failure. The correct approach is a comprehensive treatment, diet control, exercise, psychological adjustment, and drug treatment and disease monitoring are indispensable. Diet and exercise with drug therapy in order to achieve good hypoglycemic effect.
Fear the use of insulin, fear of hypoglycemia
Many patients that the use of insulin will form to rely on that spend is easy to take down hard, and will fix hypoglycemia. In fact, insulin is necessary for our in vivo glucose metabolism in a physiological hormone. As regards the need supplementary insulin injection, depending on the patient's own insulin secretion. If the pancreatic β cell function failure, lifetime use of insulin; if the patient's beta cells still function with insulin, is equal to the islet cells to get some rest, stable blood sugar even after turning off the insulin changed to oral medication. The easy to hypoglycemia, mainly depends on the blood glucose monitoring, blood glucose must be given time, timing, quantitative insulin injections, blood glucose control is smooth, positive prevention, you can avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia.
Eat diabetic foods
Some patients with diabetes diabetes food they can eat, not eat it not move too much emphasis on the sugar content of long-term to do so will result in nutritional deficiencies, and even lead to other diseases. In fact, the premise of the blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and other indicators were normal, all kinds of food, fruits should eat, but a balanced intake to control the total heat. Special Note or monitoring issues, and only do the regular monitoring or review of the indicators to understand their own physical condition, to do the eat and what not.
Entirely based on self-feeling or urine testing, adjustment of medication
Some patients alone feel good about themselves, and urine sugar levels are not job think medicinal well. The correct approach in fact, the blood glucose level of the severity of the symptoms or urine is not how much exactly the same. Sometimes the blood sugar is high, but no symptoms, or even urine can be high (of patients) seen in the renal threshold for glucose increased. Therefore, the assessment of diabetes control must be based on blood glucose results.
Herd mentality, do not believe the doctors letter sufferers
What drug effects, others with what drug, and the more expensive the better monitoring of blood glucose did not seriously. The correct approach is: diabetes medication emphasis on individualized, comprehensive assessment based on their own blood glucose levels and other indicators for their own illness, the choice of drugs, others with good drug may not be suitable for you.

Gestational diabetes on the baby be affected?

If the mother is suffering from gestational diabetes, greatly increased risk of newborns suffering from neonatal jaundice. Jaundice is a yellow skin of the newborn, because the level of total bilirubin in the blood beyond the normal. Bilirubin is a pigment leading to jaundice, usually by the rupture of red blood cells release (after the birth of fetal red blood cells will be a substantial rupture), body decomposition of bilirubin slower than the speed of its release, the blood level of bilirubin will rise. Blu-ray irradiation can quickly degradation of bilirubin, Blu-ray can be used to treat neonatal jaundice.
In addition, mothers with gestational diabetes birth babies in the future risk of diabetes compared with normal infants of mothers.
In general, the blood glucose level in six weeks after childbirth to restore to normal levels because the placenta has been delivered to the secretion of progesterone (progestin increased blood sugar). Doctors in the post-natal check maternal blood glucose levels to determine whether it has been restored to its normal condition. Some doctors also suggest that the mothers at 6-8 weeks postpartum oral glucose tolerance test to see if the maternal diabetes.
60% at a later date, women with gestational diabetes should be routinely monitoring of blood glucose, as compared with others, the probability of women postpartum suffer from gestational diabetes to type 2 diabetes. Through healthy diet and exercise can not only be restored to pre-pregnancy slim figure, but also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Moreover, patients with gestational diabetes become pregnant again, then again the chance of suffering from gestational diabetes is 40-50%. Mother with gestational diabetes would like to be a child, be sure to consult your doctor before pregnancy in the plan again, in order to do some necessary preparations, such as lifestyle changes to avoid once again suffering from the disease.

The hazards of high blood pressure and diabetes

Diabetes, hypertension is also diabetic patients is very distressed, diabetes and hypertension, both mutual restraint, "working hand in glove", the impact of the diabetic condition is very large, then the hazards of high blood pressure in people with diabetes, what does?
Diabetes mellitus and hypertension on the human body is a very serious threat, they are like the two poisonous vine "Melon", have a common incidence basis, but also influence each other, adding to the occurrence and development of their own complications.
Diabetes, hypertensive patients tend to increase in adipose tissue and muscle content reduction, often accompanied by the phenomenon of dyslipidemia, which makes the blood sugar is not easy to drop to a lower level. The body that maintain normal glucose ex compensatory release more hormones, which can not only promote the synthesis of fat, but also to sodium retention and weight gain, promote or aggravate the occurrence and development of hypertension. The basis of hypertension is atherosclerosis, the artery wall thickening and hardening, lack of flexibility, the artery diameter is smaller, resulting in partial insufficiency, which can cause or aggravate diabetic patients with macrovascular and microvascular complications, increased the occurrence of diabetic condition and the development of high blood sugar will promote the saccharification of some elements in the blood and tissues, in turn, accelerate and increase the hardening of the arteries.
Patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension, the incidence of adverse events of myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, much higher than in hypertensive patients without diabetes or hypertension in diabetic patients. The fundus of the diabetic patients with hypertension, kidney, the incidence of neurological complications is far higher than the non-hypertensive patients with diabetes, and the extent of complications is much more serious. If the complications caused by diabetes, hypertension risk as the dangers of the one, then the diabetes mellitus patients with hypertension is not a 1 +1 equals 2, but is much larger than 2, even greater than 4.
Hazards of diabetes mellitus and hypertension is quite large, in the treatment when it is necessary to control blood sugar, but also control blood pressure, both the treatment.

Thursday 28 June 2012

How to treat Diabetic patients with impotence

Diabetic patients with impotence is a common complication of diabetic men, serious impact on the mood of patients with diabetes, also caused great harm to the patient's family happiness, even for patients with diabetes impotence treatment is very necessary. Here we look at diabetes in patients with impotence should how treatment?
1, the control of diabetes. In the treatment of sexual dysfunction at the same time, the positive control and treatment of diabetes, or will lead to the primary disease continues to deteriorate, sexual dysfunction treatment will be difficult to bear fruit. Blood glucose control in the desired level: fasting 4.4 ~ 6.1mmol / L, glycosylated hemoglobin less than 6.5%, reduction and elimination of hyperglycemia on the nerve damage. If complications should also be actively treat complications, and general improvement in the complications of diabetic sexual dysfunction will automatically get better or disappear.
To protect the blood vessels and nerves. 65% of diabetic sexual dysfunction because of neuropathy, 70% because of atherosclerosis. Can use some neurotrophic substances, including a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin B, In addition, they can also choose some expansion of the tiny blood vessels of the drug.
Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine for external use of neurotrophic therapy is very effective Chinese herb treatment, by frequency therapeutic apparatus, the active ingredients of drugs quickly penetrate into the lesion in patients with impaired, in order to achieve the purpose of rapid treatment.
3, the conditioning of emotional. First of all patients should overcome the pessimism, and establish the confidence to overcome the disease; diabetes sexual dysfunction in patients with psychological pressure, the patient's spouse should give them more care, common medical treatment `commence frank, mutual education network to collect collate issues the exchange of respect and understanding, do stop recrimination, sarcasm, irony, humiliated spouse had, so only a vicious circle.
5, modulating diet. Improve the body's resistance to disease. Usually combined with the diet of diabetic patients may be appropriate to eat more shrimp, sparrow meat, catfish, croaker, snapper, rabbit meat, chives, donkey, walnuts, sesame seeds, black beans, etc., to help sexual function recovery.

Which factors will lead to type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a serious threat to the physical and mental health of children and young people's development, so understand the predisposing factors of type 1 diabetes is particularly important to do preventive work. So, what factors will lead to type 1 diabetes?

1.own immune system defects: to detect a variety of autoimmune antibodies in the blood of patients with type I diabetes, such as glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), islet cell antibodies (ICA antibodies). These abnormal autoantibodies can damage human islet insulin secretion from B cells, not normal insulin secretion.

2. Viral infections may be contributory factors: Many scientists suspect the virus can also cause type I diabetes. This is because the type I diabetic patients before the onset of a period of time is often too viral infection, and type I diabetes epidemic, often appear after the virus is endemic. Viruses, such as the viruses that cause mumps and rubella, and polio can cause the Coxsackie virus family, can play a role in type I diabetes.
3. genetic factors: The current study suggests that a genetic defect is the basis of the incidence of type I diabetes, this genetic defect is manifested in the sixth HLA antigens on chromosome abnormalities. Scientist's research suggests that: I diabetic characteristics of familial incidence, if the parents have diabetes, and then compared with no such family history people are more susceptible to the disease.

life expectancy for diabetes?

With the increase in diabetic patients, the understanding of the people of the terrible complications of diabetes is gradually deepened, even a lot of diabetes on the diabetes fear, in fact, diabetes is no need to panic. Diabetes if not treated properly, life will not be affected, patients with diabetes and normal life length.
For patients with diabetes, with good mentality and way of life, and fundamentally the treatment of diseases, diabetes is very important.

1, adhere to a reasonable diet of diabetic patients

The diet of patients with diabetes need to control, but many patients easy entry errors. Some caution, talking about the mere mention of "sugar" to pull too much detail; there are some patients go its own way, generosity. Patients with diabetes should consult to the doctor, to grasp the principle of diabetic diet and recipe use, the Society of calculation of heat, food exchange, a planned intake of a balanced diet, strict quit alcohol limit. And glucose, lipids, body weight, labor intensity adjustment into the food types and quantities; cooking methods should be refurbished to continuously improve the food's color, smell, taste and shape.

2, and living a law

Patients living to the law, the exercise is not lazy. Bathe, cut (toe) A, to keep warm. Adequate sleep. Diabetic patients should be faithfully executed, the exercise required of the guidance of doctors and capabilities, and step by step. Family members can help patients develop life schedules randomly to do the appropriate supervision, to make it a habit, and with perseverance. A small number of patients with poor self-care ability, and the family still needs a lot of companionship and appropriate to do it.

3, the detection of the correct medication

The toxic effects of high blood sugar, diabetic patients, especially in elderly patients with brain function downward trend, ordered by your doctor is often forgotten or remember correctly, anecdotal remedies, and health care products fell face value, which caused the trouble not uncommon. Family must pay to the relationship between the patient's medication, to ensure that their time. By volume. Varieties of medication; family members need to learn to use insulin injection technique, meticulous care of patients to the injection of the Note or, if necessary by family members to help. Side to do the one hand, the deepening of patients with memory. Attention to ask patients feel after treatment and found that adverse reactions, contact with doctors in a timely manner. Families a reliable bridge between doctors and patients.

Thorough treatment, adhere to the fundamental
Diabetes patients in the treatment of diabetes, drug dependence and effective control of blood glucose insulin, must not give up a fundamental and thorough treatment. Targeting Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy is a fundamental and thorough treatment of diabetes. Targeting Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy, essentially blocking the insulin resistance, the elimination of susceptibility genes, blocking the occurrence and development of complications.
Fundamentally the treatment of diabetes, diabetes away from complications, and health as the basis for living.

5, the diabetic patients to maintain a healthy emotional

Once certainly been suffering from diabetes, patients with psychological and emotional fluctuations are inevitable. Careless in some patients, that "it does not matter, and some anxiety and tension, even a constant state of anxiety. Patients with diabetes should maintain a good attitude. As soon as possible to understand diabetes basic knowledge and treatment of new developments, new progress in close cooperation with doctors, with a positive and optimistic attitude fundamentally thorough treatment.
Diabetes fundamentally thorough and timely treatment of their disease, as long as the appropriate treatment of diabetes patients is totally unnecessary to worry about their life problems.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

What are the symptoms of Children with diabetes

One suffering from more acute onset of diabetes in children. About 1/3 of children with a history before the onset of fever and upper respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary tract or skin infections. Polydipsia, polyuria, eat easy to hunger, but weight loss, weight loss significantly, fatigue, weakness, listlessness. Children can control urine after enuresis, often the early symptoms of diabetes.

Second, and more food is not the patient will inevitably be the symptoms that some children experience normal appetite or reduce. Weight loss or weight loss quickly, fatigue, weakness, listlessness are also common. If you have more than polydipsia, polyuria and vomiting, nausea, anorexia, or abdominal pain, diarrhea and leg pain and other symptoms should be considered concurrent diabetic ketoacidosis. Fever, cough and other respiratory tract infections or skin infections, vaginal itching and tuberculosis co-exist with diabetes.

DDM often relatively acute onset, the majority of patients due to infection, emotional irritability, or poor diet and other incentives onset polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, and weight loss symptoms, all known as IDDM of more than three - less symptoms. However, the baby is polyuria polydipsia can not easily be found, and soon the occurrence of dehydration and ketone acidosis symptoms. Young children due to increased nocturia enuresis.

Described above some of the symptoms of diabetes in children, parents should pay attention to it, and accept a scientific and effective treatment with diabetes disease is necessary in a timely manner to a regular hospital. Beijing Wu Hospitals experts give us for the treatment of children with diabetes is the most scientific and effective therapy - cell infiltration rehabilitation therapy.

Cell infiltration repair therapy using pluripotent cells with its strong self-renewal ability and differentiation potential is undoubtedly the best seed cells to obtain a large number of pancreatic β cells, and cell penetration of new methods of rehabilitation therapy as a treatment for diseases from the cell treatment of diabetes, and genetic level and clinical cure.

Diet for High blood sugar

Diet for High blood sugar , less fat, salt, less sugar, and avoid eating fried foods and animal intestines. To note that sometimes in order to complete the color, the smell of dishes, the chef will add more oil, so the patients outside dining a la carte should carefully review the menu, and the production process as possible to the the waiter consultation dishes should choose low-fat, low sugar food, but also to control the volume.
High blood sugar diet, drinks must be selective to drink. Beverages on the market most of the high sugar content, a cup of 250 ml of fruit juice contains 380 kJ of heat, if the patient is insulin, and high levels of activity, in order to avoid hypoglycemia, you can drink some juice, but normal , diabetic patients should choose a vegetable juice (such as tomato juice) instead of fruit drinks, drinking soda is a good choice.
High blood sugar diet, a reasonable choice of non-staple food. Vegetables also contain a certain amount of carbohydrates, generally between 1% to 4%, leeks, cabbage, spinach, celery is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals; fresh legume vegetables, such as fresh beans, peas, containing carbohydrate is relatively high; root vegetables such as potatoes, lotus root, sweet potatoes, water chestnuts, water chestnut, taro, pumpkin and yam starch content of about 20%, the consumption of such vegetables, to a corresponding reduction in amount of staple food.

Patients with diabetes how to prevent low blood sugar?

1, if you use the insulin pump during the sexual life should take it down, so as not to let the blood sugar levels drop too low. Remove how long security to be removed after the activity intensity size. The safest way is to measure blood sugar.
2, if you have some symptoms of low blood sugar of diabetes, especially during the sexual life, should be tested immediately, the blood sugar. If the blood glucose level less than 60mg/dL, you need an immediate solution to the problem of low blood sugar. Eat 10 ~ 15g of available carbohydrate snacks. Best to put some snacks at the bedside immediately after sexual intercourse to eat some. Best to share with your partner.
3, after the sex life how high blood glucose levels for you relatively safe (especially to go to bed immediately after sexual intercourse), should consult a doctor. If you have sexual intercourse before going to sleep, you also need to reduce this insulin dose the night. Which way is best, you should consult a doctor.
4, if you show symptoms of severe low blood sugar reaction, by your partner to give you injection of glucagon, or seeking accident and emergency ambulance for you. Be sure to let your partner know the signs of severe hypoglycemia, and how to use glucagon.
The above experts give "how to prevent the introduction of low blood sugar". I believe you have a better understanding. I hope for your help. In this I wish you a speedy recovery!
Precautionary measures and first place, to China to spread the road of a thousand years of treatment, which requires the scientific nature of the patient's daily life, plus perseverance persistence. For prevention on the one hand, but the disease, do not panic, to relax the mind, an optimistic, positive attitude towards life, towards the disease.
Diabetic patients in this expert to introduce a special therapy - cell infiltration rehabilitation therapy, cell infiltration prosthetics technology is the core of a class of self-replicating capacity is not fully differentiated, still immature pluripotent cells self-renewal and differentiation potential capacity, the medical profession called "cell therapy is the initiative of the twenty-first century era of biological therapy." Under certain conditions, which can differentiate into a variety of functional cells, the formation of any type of tissues and organs in order to achieve the body's internal construction and self-rehabilitation.

Monday 25 June 2012

Urinary protein in diabetic nephropathy be treated?

The treatment of diabetic nephropathy protein for the repair of the damaged kidney cells and islet cells, kidney cells repaired, urine protein will not leak, glomerular will resume normal filtration function, and if the islet cellular repair and blood viscosity is reduced, and then will gradually restore the glomerular blood pressure, patients can use the international advanced technology multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy combined with targeted infiltration therapy of Chinese medicine for treatment targeting Chinese medicine for the survival of the characteristics of Chinese medicine to provide a good repair the environment, and the targeting of Chinese medicine for the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine to provide nutrients.
Diabetic nephropathy with proteinuria of diabetic nephropathy early symptoms, the majority of diabetic patients with proteinuria, and determine the development of diabetic nephropathy stage, the majority of patients with diabetic nephropathy early treatment to control blood sugar, eliminate proteinuria to reduce kidney damage-based protein urine prone to the common manifestations of diabetic nephropathy and other kidney disease early.
Why diabetic nephropathy with proteinuria? 24 hours of the normal adult the proteinuria total is less than 150mg, young people can be slightly higher but not more than 300mg/24h, is known as super 300mg/24h total protein in the urine was detected for proteinuria. It is a common clinical symptoms, bran urine nephropathy and other kidney disease and proteinuria is the most vexing problems in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Number of proteins in urine is not only related with the degree of kidney damage, but also to consider the progression of diabetic nephropathy and chronic kidney disease patients one of the key indicators. Normal human urine contains a trace amount of protein, the routine examination of proteinuria was negative, but if the renal lesions caused by changes in glomerular function, leading to increased permeability of the glomerular filtration membrane, the protein increase in the glomerular filtrate and beyond the tubular reabsorption capacity, mainly to albumin proteinuria.
Diabetic nephropathy proteinuria how to do? Although proteinuria is an important indicator to determine the severity of the disease and its prognosis in kidney disease, kidney disease patients can not see the wood, the value is of course important, but more important is that the disease can be really improved, as long as the condition under control, proteinuria values ​​will naturally come down. But some patients forest for the trees, dead eyes staring at the value tightly bound to lead to the consequences of saw wood for the trees, in order to truly restore health, cure to this is the most important, it requires patients to find their own treatment with a largely effective in treating kidney disease.
Protein of diabetic nephropathy can treat? Modern medicine, kidney disease treatment options more limited, only corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, and antibiotic treatment, the disease transferred with advanced renal failure, thyrotoxicosis after a period of dialysis and kidney transplant, and those are the conventional way of treatment for kidney disease, although the efficacy has certain advantages, but its side effects, and expensive, in addition to dialysis can not solve all problems.
Diabetic nephropathy urinary protein treatment? Targeting Chinese medicine to penetrate therapy combined with multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy urine protein is no longer leaking: targeting TCM active substances in its anti-inflammatory functions to play for due to hyperglycemia and renal ball high filtration caused by the formation process of renal fibrosis; the vasodilator effect of TCM active substances, improving the hyperglycemia caused by glomerular capillary endothelial cells and mesangial cells organizational structure and functions; activate cell function, improve organizational structure, to extend the period of cell survival; TCM active substances into patients with diabetic nephropathy in vivo inhibition of hyperglycemia on glomerular antioxidant mechanism of injury. Living pancreatic infiltration therapy targeted Chinese medicine in the treatment process for multi-target Chinese medicine provides a good living environment, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine can differentiate into islet cells to restore islet function, regulate blood sugar, improve renal blood flow power, so that kidney function gradually eased, a matter of fact, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine can differentiate into a variety of cells of damaged organs, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine the consequent restoration of renal function, and restore the glomerular filtration rate and urinary protein leakage is no longer, and will not be repeated .

Nursing care for Diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease) in stage 3

Hypoglycemic function decline in patients with diabetic nephropathy is not only the body, and even the metabolic function of the kidney in a disordered state, the diet must to go through this series of metabolic patients with diabetic nephropathy need to control diet, a better life. Diabetic nephropathy patients how to diet?
1, the diet in order to protect the kidneys, reducing kidney burden for the purpose of
To insist on a low protein, low fat, low phosphorus, low sodium diet. High-protein diet can increase the burden on the kidneys, once the stage of clinical proteinuria and early restriction of dietary protein content in renal function is normal, daily protein intake to 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is appropriate to high-quality animal protein.
Lipids also affect the development of kidney disease, reduce the intake of phosphorus have azotemia. Edema daily salt intake of no more than six grams.
(2) control diet at the same time pay attention to nutritional balance
Must pay attention to low-protein diet at the same complement of essential amino acids, but also time to fill into the vitamins, trace elements, as well as folic acid, iron, etc..
Diabetic nephropathy diet should pay attention to? Patients with diabetic nephropathy in addition to pay attention to diet, the treatment process must be taken to avoid kidney damage drugs. Disable all the renal toxicity of traditional Chinese medicines and switch to traditional Chinese medicine treatment, multi-target Chinese living pancreatic penetration of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy can not only help to better control the disease, also can avoid the pain of oral medicine, and improve the lives of patients with diabetic nephropathy quality!

What is the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy?

Why do people with diabetes will lead to diabetic nephropathy? With diabetes to understand the mechanism of diabetic nephropathy, you can target to be effective in preventing diabetic nephropathy.
The pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy are the following:
1, the glomerular atherosclerosis
Increased glomerular basement membrane collagen type Ⅳ messenger sugar, nucleic acid, the basement membrane, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial nodular lesions, the occurrence of glomerular sclerosis.
2, high blood sugar of kidney damage
Poor glycemic control can accelerate diabetic nephropathy development, good blood glucose control can significantly delay the development. Hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products generate increased cause mesangial cell proliferation, increased extracellular matrix, mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening. Hyperglycemia, glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration state, across the capillary wall pressure increased, so that the expansion of mesangial cells, epithelial cell foot process fusion and produce dense droplets in glomerular epithelial cells detached from the basement membrane .
3, genetic factors
Diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation in some family history of hypertension in diabetic patients, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than in patients without hypertension, family history.
What is the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy? In short, a variety of causes renal hemodynamic abnormalities caused by diabetic nephropathy. Must be comprehensive and integrated treatment of diabetic nephropathy, Chinese target Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy can start from the root of the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, the results are satisfactory!

Why diabetic eye disease permanently

Many patients with diabetic eye disease with the drug for a batch after batch, but the symptoms of diabetic eye disease does not see improvement. Vision not only not improved, a lot worse.
Why diabetic eye disease will be long lasting?
This is because the majority of patients with diabetic eye disease following treatment of misunderstanding:
1, decreased visual acuity, visual acuity to the neglect of the fundus inspection:
Diabetic patients not because of good vision and do not want to do fundus examination, to be significantly decreased vision, diabetic retinopathy more than an advanced stage. Therefore, in order to be discovered by visual inspection of diabetic retinopathy is not reliable.
Only paid attention to the hypoglycemic, do not attach importance to lowering blood pressure:
Diabetes tend to have complications, such as blood pressure, dyslipidemia, the occurrence and development of diabetic eye disease also plays an important role in the control of blood glucose and blood pressure control is the two cores.
3, in order to avoid trouble rather than to the hospital for long-term follow-up:
Diabetic eye disease requires long-term follow-up, because the disease is changing. Diabetic eye disease early, patients often do not have typical symptoms, the monocular illness is often difficult to detect out the diagnosis of diabetes should be established ophthalmologist at regular follow.
Why diabetic eye disease permanently? Diabetic eye disease in order to be cured as soon as possible, it is necessary to fundamentally start treatment, diabetic eye disease is mainly caused by lack of ocular blood oxygen, so the key to treatment of diabetic eye disease is to restore blood and oxygen supply of the eye. TCM features sugar eye Kang can start from the root to improve the blood circulation of the eye condition, better treatment of diabetic eye disease

Sunday 24 June 2012

Hazards of high cholesterol for diabetic eye disease?

It was agreed that high blood sugar in diabetic eye disease have a great harm, but not aware of high blood cholesterol will also direct damage of diabetic eye. So, high cholesterol for diabetic eye disease risks?
Hazards of high cholesterol for diabetic eye disease? Once the diagnosis of diabetes is established, that is to carry out eye examinations, and in accordance with your doctor to do regular follow-up. Diabetic patients must recognize the law and harm of the disease, to place itself in the double under the supervision of physicians and ophthalmologists, early detection, early treatment, to achieve the purpose of protecting the visual.
Lipids are also important, when patients with severe hyperlipidemia, the blood contains large amounts of triglyceride lipoprotein allows retinal vascular nearly milky white color fades. These lipoproteins may further leakage from the capillaries, which is the retinal lipid exudation, showing a yellow patch on the retina. If the lipid exudation violated to the macula can seriously affect vision.
Retinal vein thrombosis caused by hyperlipidemia, very serious consequences, and not susceptible to early detection. High concentrations of lipids can activate platelets to release clotting factors, resulting in platelet aggregation increased intravascular thrombosis. If thrombosis occurs in the eye, can cause retinal vascular occlusion.
Diabetes patients to stop smoking; light diet, eat less spicy, stimulating and high-fat food; appropriate exercise, but avoid strenuous exercise; mental attention with eye health, to avoid prolonged reading, visual fatigue caused by the use of computers, in order to try to delay the emergence of diabetic retinopathy.
Hazards of high cholesterol for diabetic eye disease? Years of clinical work, we found that a variety of diabetic eye disease are able to get better control in the joint efforts of patients and physicians, the patient's quality of life can be greatly improved. Shijiazhuang the nephrotic hospital diabetes treatment centers, using the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy. "Sugar eye health" treatment of diabetic eye disease, Chinese medicine active substance is effective in improving the state of retinal ischemia and hypoxia, and curb the imbalance of oxidative stress regulation, eliminate insulin resistance, as the eye The repair of diseased tissue provides a favorable environment to restore the eye sight!

Which diabetic foot treatment?

Treatment of diabetic foot good blood sugar control is the foundation should, in addition to specialist treatment for peripheral vascular disease, main Integrative six one route of administration of treatment, oral medicine Huoxuetongmai, improve microcirculation, intravenous infusion of trophic nerve, dilate blood vessels to correct metabolic disorder with vascular perfusion, foot bath and fumigation treatment of diabetic foot prevention goal is prevention, early diagnosis, early treatment, not only can significantly improve the quality of life of diabetic patients, but also greatly reduce the medical expenses has important social and economic benefits.
1, the general treatment:
Support (1) symptomatic treatment, including activity restriction, weight loss, Taigaohuanzhi in order to facilitate blood return leg, reducing edema.
(2) strict control of blood glucose, insulin limb is better to apply positive corrective ketoacidosis, hypoproteinemia, heart, brain, kidney complications and gangrene healing a variety of adverse factors.
(3) debridement: removal of necrotic tissue, drainage placed, such as routine disinfection, dressing.
(4) patient education, foot care, and to prevent the damage from the outside.
2, anti-infective
Pathogens in diabetic foot infection, Staphylococcus aureus is a common, followed by streptococci, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae, and anaerobic. Take lesion secretions for bacterial culture as soon as possible after admission, first with the commonly used antibiotic therapy until culture results after the switch to effective antibiotics, in addition also added anti-anaerobic agents.
3, the treatment of ischemic foot ulcers
(1) for vascular disease is not very serious or there is no indication for surgery, conservative treatment can be medical, the use of vasodilators such as prostaglandin E-2 654-2 and traditional Chinese medicine, such as breviscapine Shenmai.
(2) For severe cases of vascular lesions, on the basis of conservative treatment, you should line the blood vessel revascularization. The methods are: vascular bypass grafting, carotid endarterectomy, the pedicled omental graft surgery, angioplasty and other percutaneous vascular lumen.
(3) for gangrene in patients with rest pain and a wide range of vascular lesions revascularization should be bold and amputation, amputation is the best line before angiography to determine the amputation plane.
(4) hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBD): high-pressure oxygen can improve vascular metaplasia of the new organization, to increase collagen synthesis, improve the bactericidal action of neutrophils, but can also promote the synthesis of platelet-derived factor, the factor to promote wound healing. Pulmonary infection is not to use the hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
(5) UV irradiation and oxygenation of blood transfusion therapy (UBID): has antibacterial anti-inflammatory, improve immunity to increase tissue oxygen supply, and reduce blood viscosity and blood lipids, improve blood circulation and role.
4, neuropathic foot ulcers treatment
(1) 90% of the change of foot abnormal stress neuropathic ulcers can be reasonably conservative treatment and healing. The processing key is to reduce the pressure of the primary disease, foot pressure gauge for pressure distribution, and then use special orthopedic shoes or orthoses to change the pressure of the patient's feet.
(2) available B vitamins to improve nerve function, nerve growth factor can promote nerve cell nucleic acid and protein synthesis, and promote axonal regeneration of myelin formation.
(3) cover the dressing dressing to prevent further damage to the wound, reducing the risk of infection, keep the wound healing, the ideal environment. Selectable antibiotic diluent, vitamin mixture, bFGF deposition temperature.
5, amputation
Still active conservative treatment of gangrene, should be timely amputation amputation site to accurately estimate the local loop should be made to ensure good loop height.

20% of patients with diabetes will lead to diabetic foot!

Worldwide every 30 seconds, there will be a diabetic amputation due to diabetic foot, diabetic foot and serious impact on the quality of life of diabetes patients and even normal life.
Early manifestation of diabetic foot, dry foot skin, sweat less pain and temperature sensation disappeared, and then developed toe ulceration, infection or necrosis, and quickly spread to the health organization of foot lesions can be invasive to the bone within a week and ultimately lead to amputation.
Why diabetes is caused by diabetic foot?
Oxidative stress in diabetic foot
Oxidative stress cause neutrophils words and deeds of infiltrating neutrophils is to remove the harmful substances in the blood of Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment of vascular lesions of phagocytic cells among neutrophils damage, impurities in the blood and the virus will not be cleared, it will lead to a series of vascular lesions. Ultimately lead to the diabetic foot.
If the diabetes control is not good, just like on the lower limb in terms of gasoline as if covered with quilts, Just a small flame, it will fire quickly spread, or ulceration, or necrosis, and ultimately lead to amputation and disability.
Diabetic patients must be active prevention of diabetic foot appear, the key to the prevention of diabetic foot is to the positive treatment, the application of Chinese medicine characteristics of multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy effective treatment used to eliminate the oxidative stress through antioxidant into to correct the body of oxygen free radicals, protect blood vessels, the prevention of diabetic foot

Diabetes bloating how is it?

Some elderly patients with diabetes, especially in the longer course of patients with diabetes, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, digestive function of the clinical examination and no problems, bloating that people with diabetes is how is it?
Caused by the diabetes medicine abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion symptoms called diabetic gastroparesis in diabetic patients, the prevalence rate of 60.02%.
Diabetes bloating how is it?
The original cause of diabetes on. Diabetes can often lead to autonomic dysfunction, and gastrointestinal dominated by autonomic, autonomic disorders secondary to gastrointestinal hormones that regulate imbalances caused by delayed gastric emptying, so foods stay in the stomach and vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other symptoms.
How to treat people with diabetes bloating?
Western medicine treatment on the basis of hypoglycemic, gastrointestinal drugs, such as domperidone 10 mg three times a day orally, or cisapride 10 mg three times daily oral administration.
If western medicine is not satisfactory, can be applied to multi-target Chinese living pancreatic penetration treatment of diabetic autonomic neuropathy, start from the root to solve the bloating caused by diabetes.

Saturday 23 June 2012

How is Diabetic cataract

In our eye, facing the center of the black-eyed, a transparent double convex disc-shaped transparent organization, called the lens. Cataract is the lens becomes opaque turbid by a transparent, opaque as the camera lens becomes contaminated and obstruct the light entering the eye, decreased vision, an eye disease. Little effect on vision cloudy early, then gradually increased, leading to decreased vision and even blindness. Cataract formation mainly due to the denaturation of proteins, insoluble protein, sodium and calcium content, the increase in potassium and vitamin C reduced glutathione absence. 85% of the lens proteins for water-soluble albumin, water-soluble albumin into insoluble protein, the greater the age, the insoluble protein content of the more; vitamin C deficiency, the lens of the change of pH as well as some toxic substances into the lens can cause denaturation of lens proteins, resulting in cloudy. For the elderly lens oxidative damage is the initial factor in cataract formation, cataract formation, risk factors for excessive drinking and smoking too much, too much to women's reproductive and certain systemic diseases. Complicated cataract is a clouding of the lens caused by certain eye diseases, such as iridocyclitis, choroiditis, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, high myopia, old eye injury caused by the complicated cataract. Traumatic cataract, including mechanical, radiation, electric shock cataract. Metabolic cataract is more common in diabetic cataract. Corticosteroid cataract caused by ocular or systemic long-term heavy use of corticosteroids. After cataract extracapsular cataract extraction after surgery, the residual cortex and capsule opacity.

High glycosylated hemoglobin treatment?

Of diabetes guidelines recommend glycated hemoglobin target value should be below 6.5% within this range of values ​​that the ideal blood glucose control, more than eight percent (8%) means that the need to strengthen the blood glucose control. The glycosylated hemoglobin content is not the main reason is that the day-to-day fasting and postprandial blood glucose control is not so good.
According to the study found that glycemic control in the ideal range, fasting less than 6, the 2-hour postprandial of less than 8, measured three months after the glycosylated hemoglobin must be below 6.5%.
Many of my friends are asking, diabetes early symptoms of what? This question easy to answer for a small number of people who, say, a little more than symptoms, that is, eat more, drink more, urine, weight loss This is explained for the symptoms of a handful of people, including Type 1 diabetes. If you have the two are very close, then you need to go to the hospital to detect the body.
Of course there are exceptions. In fact, most people in the early stages, and no early symptoms of diabetes a little over a situation. We will meet patients in the treatment of diabetes often himself said no symptoms. But only blood sugar high. Patients, I wondered, in fact, it is not surprising that diabetes itself occult is very strong, a lot of time is not specifically to check blood sugar diabetes found, for example, some patients with eyes suddenly not clear, some body parts wound healing is always not. There is a body skin itching, more male friends to the problem of declining sexual function, then these patients go to the hospital to see the doctor, the doctor asked, have diabetes? Ah, the direct answer, statement to check the blood sugar are often very high. The friends of these patients is the long-term blood sugar at a high level state, only the body of these symptoms, so that the project of a regular physical examination, blood sugar are also included physical examination is necessary.
The symptoms of diabetes in fact there are many, for example, often feel fatigue. Weakness. Numbness, early prevention, early detection and early treatment can return to the ranks of the healthy people pay more attention to the observation. Patients do not think no obvious symptoms there is no need for treatment, this approach is very wrong, as long as glycosylated hemoglobin above normal levels, patients should be active conduct a thorough treatment on the root cause.

With type 2 diabetes can be much longer?

Diabetes is a chronic disease, is a lifelong disease that requires people to long-term control of disease treatment. For long to live either in patients with type 2 diabetes, glycemic control is the basic factors of the patients longevity determinants. All diabetic patients to want to live longer, long-term blood sugar stable is key!
Admissions have had such a patient, the beginning of the laboratory blood glucose over 10 when, with disapproval, gave him the medicine of the month the results of eating a half a year, during which verses and eat, remember to eat, blood sugar has always fluctuated. Later, the impression which may have more than two years did not see the patient, suddenly one day, he appeared again in my clinic. But his face gaunt, frail, middle-aged kind of Manner has been difficult to see from him. Conversation, that the past two years his blood sugar control has been bad, and the eyes to see things more and more blurred, physical effort, urine protein in the urine. He said the past two years has been on the disease not too got the idea to eat do not pay attention, treatment and screening is not timely. Now would like to take to the hospital for treatment. Listened to his words, I can not help but be filled with emotion. It is a pity ah. Later, I gave him a comprehensive inspection, but also to develop a new comprehensive treatment program. I secretly he figured, according to the current situation, his subsequent annual treatment costs are at least more than 4000 yuan.
In general, a medium-disease patients with an average year the total cost of between $ 1000-1500. This is the most ordinary families can afford. Course, the cost depends on the disease found sooner or later, the disease severity, treatment is timely and norms, and the doctor's medical ethics and medical standards. Such as the patient's condition, light a day, only a small amount of drugs can control the disease, natural that end spent less. If the disease to late, heart, brain, kidney and other complications have, the cost is naturally higher.
Not only away from the danger of complications, can also reduce the burden on families, and continuously improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes to control blood sugar, diabetic patients should be aware of, purely dependent on drugs and insulin is to not let patients completely away from the complications of purpose must be for patients with impaired islet cells, from the root cause to conduct a thorough treatment, better stay away from the hazards of diabetic complications.

Friday 22 June 2012

About Lupus

                                                               About Lupus
Lupus and the inflammation it causes can affect the functioning of many of the body’s internal organs. Some of those complications can involve a person’s:
Kidneys.Kidney problems are common in lupus. Signs of kidney problems include generalized itching, nausea, vomiting, leg swelling, and weight gain.
Neurological function.This can include headaches, dizziness, behavior changes, confusion, memory problems, and seizures.
Blood.Lupus can cause anemia and increased risk of bleeding or blood clotting.
Lungs.If the lining of the chest cavity becomes inflamed, it can make breathing painful; but most lung complications from lupus (such as a noninfectious form of pneumonia) can be monitored through pulmonary tests.
Heart.Lupus can cause inflammation of the heart muscle, heart membrane, and arteries, leading to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. However, the risk can be reduced by controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol, exercising regularly, and not smoking. Making these healthy lifestyle changes also can benefit a person’s overall lupus management.
How Is Lupus Diagnosed?
When a person’s immune system is working correctly, it protects the body by sending antibodies to attack invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. With lupus, these antibodies attack healthy tissue by mistake, causing inflammation in the joints and other parts of the body. Lupus can also act and look like a lot of different diseases, such as fibromyalgia, stress, or rheumatoid arthritis. So while some people may get diagnosed right away, for others it may take a while (sometimes months or even years). That can be frustrating. But getting the correct diagnosis is an important first step in knowing the best way to manage lupus symptoms.
Who diagnoses lupus?
A recent study showed that rheumatologists, doctors who specialize in disorders of the joints and related structures, such as tendons and muscles, are more likely to make an accurate lupus diagnosis than other types of doctors. A primary care physician can provide a referral to a rheumatologist who has experience with lupus.
The lupus “test”
There is no one single lab test that can show if someone has lupus. So how is lupus diagnosed? Rheumatologists and other doctors look at a combination of things to arrive at a lupus diagnosis:
Medical history.Lupus is not contagious, like a cold or flu. But sometimes lupus can appear more often in families. Along with a basic medical history, the doctor will want to know if other family members have been diagnosed with lupus.
Symptoms.Some doctors use the American College of Rheumatology’s SLE Classification as a guide to help make (or rule out) a lupus diagnosis. In general, if four or more of the above signs and symptoms are or have been present, there is a good chance that the person has lupus.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

How to protect the eyes of diabetic patients?

Patients with diabetes in the environment of high blood sugar, glucose toxicity, oxidative stress, endothelial cells in vascular damage, leading to eye insufficient blood and oxygen supply, lead to diabetes eye disease, and ultimately lead to blindness. Patients with diabetes how to do to be able to protect your eyes?
Protect the eyes of patients with diabetes need to do the following:
1, smoking cessation;
2, the control diet, more exercise, adherence to medication to keep blood sugar normal, this is the premise to prevent diabetic eye disease.
Pay close attention to the change in vision, even minor changes in the doctor as soon as possible. Fundus changes should be under the guidance of a doctor, six months or a year on a regular basis to check the eye;
4, if the existing diabetic eye disease, should avoid strenuous exercise and diving.
How to protect the eyes of diabetic patients?
These are the commonly used method of eye protection, and diabetic patients is best to do. Patients with diabetes to prevent diabetic eye disease, the key is to actively carry out treatment, application of TCM features the multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy treatment, to rebuild their own hypoglycemic function to prevent diabetic eye disease, protect the eyes of good patients!

How the treatment of diabetic nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy is a common diabetes disease complications, diabetes systemic microvascular disease one of the manifestations of diabetes not treated will lead to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy. Treatment of diabetic nephropathy in this period is very critical, and clinical features of proteinuria, progressive renal damage, hypertension, edema, and severe renal failure in the late stages, is one of the leading cause of death for diabetic patients.
The causes of diabetic nephropathy: Diabetes is caused by different etiology and pathogenesis of insulin is absolutely and relative lack of that sugar, protein and fat metabolism disorders, only chronic high blood sugar as the main clinical manifestations of systemic disease. Diabetes may be different ways to damage the kidneys These injuries can involve the kidney damage the structure, but only glomerular sclerosis and diabetes, also known as diabetic nephropathy, is one of the diabetes systemic microvascular complications. Diabetic patients with kidney damage in persistent proteinuria, the condition is irreversible is often the development of end-stage renal failure. Diabetic nephropathy has become the leading cause of death in diabetic patients.
Diabetic nephropathy stage:
stage Ⅰ: characterized by increased glomerular filtration rate and renal volume increased. These early lesions and high blood sugar levels, but reversible, can be restored after insulin treatment, but may not be able to fully return to normal.
Stage II: the urinary protein excretion rate is normal, but glomerular structural changes.
Stage III: also known as early diabetic nephropathy. Urinary albumin excretion rate of 20 - 200μg / min, the patient's blood pressure slightly elevated glomerular abandoned.
Stage Ⅳ: clinical diabetic nephropathy, or overt diabetic nephropathy. This period characterized by macroalbuminuria (greater than 3.5 g per day), edema and hypertension. Diabetic nephropathy edema, poor response to diuretics.
Stage Ⅴ: end-stage renal failure. Diabetic patients persistent urinary protein in the development of clinical diabetic nephropathy, the glomerular basement membrane is widely thickening of the glomerular capillary lumen stenosis and more glomerular abandoned, a progressive decline in kidney filtration function, leading to renal failuhre.
How to treat Diabetic nephropathy ? In recent years with the increasing incidence of diabetes, diabetic glomerulosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy is also a rapid increase. Patients can use the multi-target Chinese medicine living Battle penetration therapy, multi-target Chinese medicine living Battle infiltration therapy can effectively repair kidneys damaged kidney cells, the gradual improvement of microcirculation, repair islet cells, gradually improve the patient's blood glucose values . Due to the lack of measures to slow down the progress of diabetic nephropathy in patients with increased microalbumin excretion rate from the early to clinical diabetic nephropathy, proteinuria, edema, hypertension, renal damage has been increasing, until end-stage renal failure, uremia, and ultimately to dialysis and renal transplantation. Therefore, how to block the progression of diabetic nephropathy has become the focus and emphasis of medical research.

The relationship between diabetic nephropathy and high blood sugar?

High blood sugar is the basic factors for the development of diabetic nephropathy, early detection of diabetes and be a reasonable treatment as much as possible so that the three substances metabolism back to normal is critical. Blood sugar control at normal levels, often make early pathological changes restore. How, then, the treatment of high blood sugar?
High blood sugar treatment is more stable? Chinese medicine died has been ill, cure disease, "the ideological guidance of diabetes health prevention first, based on this disease, has been ill for early treatment of thinking, we must first close doctor-patient relationship, mutual trust, joint efforts to control diabetes. Sympathy concerned about diabetes patients, depending on the patients for their loved ones to understand the causes of morbidity and sicker reasons, propaganda and education to patients with diabetes, and improve patients' awareness of diabetes. Second, play the subjective initiative of the patients, combined with his illness, living and working environment, the development of recuperation program, regular condition monitoring report to the diabetes specialist.
Various health methods should be dialectical to select, adopt, or else is not only bad for our health, but worse. Medication and other therapies organic combination of the two can not be neglected. Either party have the effect, are conducive to the other. In short, the goal of guiding patients with diabetes health is the ideal control the disease, the patient to reduce dependence on physicians to minimize the diabetic patients on the need for medical intervention.
The relationship between diabetic nephropathy and high blood sugar? Prevent diabetic nephropathy is not equal safe, only to keep blood sugar stable, fundamental treatment of diabetes is the real way out. Multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy, the drug through the acupuncture point into the lesion, repair islet cells to improve islet function. The therapy also has a vasodilator, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory and other functions, thereby improving microcirculation, eliminate insulin resistance, the treatment of diabetes and complications from the fundamental purposes.

What are the causes of type 1 diabetes?

The etiology of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are different, triggering type 1 diabetes because of the following three aspects:
Genetic factors: The current study suggests that genetic defects in the incidence of type 1 diabetes basis of this genetic defect is manifested in the sixth HLA antigens on chromosome abnormalities. Scientists Tip: type I diabetes incidence of familial characteristics - if your parents have diabetes, and then compared with no such family history, you are more susceptible to the disease.
2, virus infection may be contributory factors: Perhaps your mind, many scientists suspect the virus can also cause type I diabetes. This is because the type I diabetic patients before the onset of a period of time is often too viral infection, and type I diabetes epidemic, often appear after the virus is endemic. Viruses, such as the viruses that cause mumps and rubella, and polio can cause the Coxsackie virus family, can play a role in type I diabetes.
Own immune system defects: to detect a variety of autoimmune antibodies in the blood of patients with type 1 diabetes, such as glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), islet cell antibodies (ICA antibodies). These abnormal autoantibodies can damage human islet insulin secretion from B cells, not normal insulin secretion.

People with diabetes can eat strawberries

Strawberry sugar content is relatively low, the impact on blood sugar is not great, and strawberry nutrients by the body to digest and absorb, eat, then it will not cold and angry. Strawberries also contain carotene, pectin and rich in dietary fiber are beneficial for patients with diabetes.
People with diabetes can eat strawberries?
Strawberry the hypoglycemic key point: low-calorie, vitamins, minerals
Strawberry low heat, prevents the postprandial blood glucose levels increased rapidly, and will not increase the burden on the pancreas. In addition, strawberries are rich in vitamins and minerals, secondary hypoglycemic effect.
The hypoglycemic eat strawberries
Strawberries and cereal with porridge, with blood pressure, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic effect, can be used as a breakfast or snacks consumption of diabetic patients.
Strawberry on the complications of the benefits of
The strawberry carotene can be converted into vitamin A, prevents diabetes-induced ocular lesions.
Strawberries in dietary fiber and pectin can be laxative lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
The strawberry has a good control effect on coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

How to prevent diabetes sexually transmitted diseases?

Diabetes is a chronic disease, if not actively prevent, then there will be a variety of diseases, including diabetes sexually transmitted diseases is one of them, then we should be how to prevent diabetes VD it?
One, before you engage in vaginal, anal intercourse or oral sex, from beginning to end the use of condoms and spermicides. Remember the principle: each time to have sex, we need to engage in safer sex.
2, always pay attention to symptoms. If the penis, vagina or anus of the inside surfaces or any unusual secretions, wounds, pustules, injury swelling, lumps, acid itching or pain around, or if you and a you think may be infected with sexually transmitted diseases, sex , please go to the doctor for check-ups. If you have any questions, do a check is always a wise thing. At the same time, the first stop sexual activity.
3, if sex can wait, wait.
Careful, you and the more people engage in unprotected sex, the more you may be infected with sexually transmitted diseases.
5, the symptoms should see a doctor promptly, otherwise the infection will become increasingly worse, may have been transmitted to another person. You can not know your condition has multiple, a threat to the life of infection of some symptoms may be minor infection, only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis is anything wrong with. There are many hospitals can do for you in complete secrecy case inspection and testing.

People with diabetes can eat grapes?

Grape market, looking at the delicious grapes, diabetic patients is always a kind of elusive. So, people with diabetes can eat grapes?
Experts said that the grapes nutrient-rich pulp containing about 15% to 30% sugar, water, various organic acids and minerals, as well as various vitamins, crude fiber, ascorbic acid, lecithin. At the same time, the grapes contain flavonoids is a potent antioxidant, anti-aging, and can remove free radicals, fight cancer. Diabetes experts pointed out that patients with diabetes can eat grapes, but it must be moderate.
People with diabetes can eat grapes? People with diabetes need to know your daily calories. For example, a person weighing 70 kg or so people with diabetes, daily calories required approximately 2000 kcal.
Diabetic meals can be roughly such an arrangement: the morning to drink a glass of milk, eat an egg, a 50 g of bread or bread. Noon to eat 100 grams of rice, or about 250 grams of pasta, vegetables, lean meat 100 grams. The dinner component and lunch. Afternoon to eat an apple or other fruit. If you choose to grapes, can eat 200 grams, about 30 to 35.

People with diabetes can eat the apple?

Apple is a traditional Chinese fruit, and also in our lives is the most common fruits, it is weight loss a family favorite. So, people with diabetes can eat the apple?
The effect of Apple's a lot of it beauty and malic acid can stabilize blood sugar and prevent senile diabetes, smell the scent of apples to help you sleep, the apple contains a lot of pectin, can effectively reduce cholesterol levels, apples are rich in potassium, lower blood pressure and cardiovascular protection role, can prevent the occurrence of diabetic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.
Malic acid metabolic heat to prevent lower body obesity. As for the soluble fiber pectin, solve the constipation. Lead, mercury, manganese emissions in the gastrointestinal tract of pectin but also to promote, regulate the body's blood sugar levels, a sudden jump in the prevention of blood sugar plummeted.
Apples contain sugar and lithium, bromine is an effective sedative hypnotics, and no side effects. Apple contains zinc, magnesium, and therefore eat apples can enhance memory, promote the development of the child. Due to some elements of Apple's to get rid of the body is harmful to health, lead, mercury, European scientists said Apple for anti-cancer drugs.
So, people with diabetes can eat apples? Above Apple efficacy in their daily lives is eating an apple, but even so we also should be noted that the amount must not eat, so as not to affect blood sugar fluctuations.

How to prevent type 1 diabetes complications

Not pay attention to some of the details of the problem for patients with type 1 diabetes, such as in the early treatment of diabetic complications, will also appear, then, we should be how to prevent type 1 diabetes complications?
1, to protect the skin: to protect the skin, and timely treatment of ulcers and wounds, to prevent the occurrence of serious infections.
Eyesight checked regularly: all patients with diabetes every year should go to the hospital eye exams, the doctor will tell you about diabetes damage to the eyes. For patients with type 1 diabetes, five years after puberty, the time to begin an annual eye examination. Patients with diabetes is blurred vision, partial vision missing, do not effect, better communication with the ophthalmologist, increasing the number of checks in order to detect changes of the disease and early treatment to prevent blindness.
3, feet every day and pay attention to the check: For small wounds, ulcers or blisters should be taken seriously to prevent future occurrence of serious consequences. In addition, to cut toenails cut, do not break the skin around the To timely medical treatment.
4, on a regular basis to check blood pressure, blood lipids: diabetes complicated by heart, diabetic patients often blood pressure, blood lipids, but also to check the ECG.
5 a day, feet and pay attention to check: For small wounds, ulcers or blisters should be taken seriously to prevent future serious consequences. In addition, to cut toenails cut, do not break the skin around the To timely medical treatment.
Note paresthesia: diabetic patients with the hands or feet numbness, tingling or burning feeling, be sure to timely medical treatment, it is likely a sign of neuropathy.
Acute diabetic patients to beware of diabetes complications such as ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, once the feeling abnormal, be sure to timely medical treatment to avoid serious consequences.

How to treat women with diabetes vulvar itching?

The weather gets hot, many women with diabetes consult vulvar itching. The main reason is that blood glucose control instability, resulting in neuropathy. This season is the season of female sugar vulvar itching, experts have warned that patients with diabetes, in addition to drug treatment, patients also need to pay attention to diet. So, women with diabetes genital itching how good treatment?
How to treat women with diabetes vulvar itching? Shijiazhuang the nephrotic hospital diabetes treatment center experts said, in fact, not just women with diabetes, there may be symptoms of vulvar itching, and other diabetic population triggered only because of the special relationship of the reproductive organs, women are the most common.
Urinary tract infection may be the performance of the early light of diabetic patients, this is due to high blood glucose stimulates the nerve endings and local infection caused by female patients with vulvar itching should think of the possibility of diabetes. Diabetes in patients with resistance to infection is lower than the average person, prone to infection, and infection repeatedly and permanently. Chinese medicine believes that vulvitis is the "Yin Yang", "overcast cloud," "vaginal discharge" areas, multi-bet by the liver through the hot and humid, liver and kidney, damp toxin caused by drugs and dietary treatment are no less .
For this vulvar itching caused due to diabetes is first necessary to control blood sugar stable, another to avoid private part does not apply to a variety of women with diabetes should raise the awareness of self protection, to keep the genital skin clean and dry, underwear loose breathable, disabled soap water or irritating detergent scrub, try to control scratching to relieve itching, do not eat spicy food allergy.
How to treat women with diabetes vulvar itching? Patients in order to conduct a thorough treatment, while effective control of blood glucose from the root cause, the use of Chinese medicine Chinese medicine treatment is an effective treatment method. Our hospital with the characteristics of Chinese medicine therapy, multi-target Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy "to adhere to treatment can be eliminated, and patients with diabetes must be timely and reasonable and effective method to conduct a thorough treatment, in order to better improve the quality of life, away from the complications of harm .

Children in the summer how to prevent type 1 diabetes?

Children suffering from type 1 diabetes are in their own hereditary susceptibility genes on the basis of exposure to outside viruses or toxic substances, subject to these adverse environmental impact and role, which led to changes in systemic immune function, and thus the emergence of metabolic disorders.
At present, more and more children are suffering from type 1 diabetes, mainly because due to irregular diet, of course, there are many other factors, according to surveys, the number of juvenile diabetes has reached 2.5 million, is growing at 10 percent growth rate, type 1 diabetes accounts for the vast majority had a great impact to the development of the child's physical and mental health and learning. Therefore, understanding the summer why the multiple type 1 diabetes, you need the cooperation of society and government, and families in need and I prevention, children and young people have the opportunity to learn about prevention and treatment of type 1 diabetes-related knowledge in the classroom, rather than to the illness and then to the hospital for treatment, this awareness of the prevention of type 1 diabetes, we should allow the child to develop healthy living habits!

Diabetes can be a sex life?

Diabetes can be a sex life?
We know that diabetes is a very serious complication, for example, can cause ED, eye diseases and other complications. So diabetes Sexual Activities?
First, the impact of diabetes on sexual function and libido:
Women: women with diabetes early sexuality still exist, a normal sexual excitement phase of vaginal lubrication, orgasm forfeiture is more common. The duration of the elderly serious neuropathy, in addition to vaginal dryness, and prone to vaginitis, dyspareunia.
Male: the incidence of impotence in male diabetic patients up to 40% to 60%, the symptoms gradually increased with the aggravation of the disease. Patients initially have a normal sexual desire, you can ejaculate and the existence of high tide, the only erect penis will not be strong symptoms. With the extension of the duration of diabetes, can be gradually developed into complete impotence. About 1% to 2% of patients with diabetes occurrence of retrograde ejaculation, orgasm, semen is not from the external urethral injection, but the counter-current to the bladder to autonomic nerve damage related to disposable bladder neck with the patient, ejaculation is closed state of the bladder neck into the open.
Second, the sex life of disease, the process of sex life does not aggravate the condition of diabetes. But diabetes serious complications, then the healthy spouse to understanding the patient, can not be forced to act, or they may have adverse consequences.
Have diabetes can have sex? Sexuality is a human instinct, people with diabetes in the subjective or sex life, if the diabetes is brought under control, as long as the patient the ability to have the sex life of moderate sex life (ie life after feel fatigue), or can. Sex life should not be too nervous, because stress can lead to sympathetic nerve and adrenal medullary secretion of epinephrine, norepinephrine, which are adverse to diabetes.

How to treat Diabetic nephropathy with protein

For patients with diabetic nephropathy, a more significant feature is the level of urine protein, then, diabetic nephropathy in patients with urinary protein high how to do it?
1, a balanced diet:
Were observed in clinical and experimental studies of dietary protein intake, high protein diet can increase the glomerular blood flow and pressure, increase the hyperglycemia-induced renal hemodynamic changes, patients with urinary protein requires the amount of protein for one day per kilogram of body weight 0.8 g, 0.6 to 0.8 grams of dietary per kilogram of body weight a day can make the clinical stage of diabetic nephropathy glomerular filtration rate slowed down, should be high quality animal protein for patients with urinary protein requirements Lord, in the assurance of the insulin may be appropriate to increase the intake of carbohydrates to ensure that there is enough heat to avoid the increase of protein and fat decomposition increase the burden of renal excretion. In addition, to reduce a variety of high the heat Youzha food and crude protein intake is conducive to the protection of the kidney.
2, the regular monitoring of:
Blood sugar levels with seasonal changes on the environment also fluctuate with the application yao matter of sensitivity, regular monitoring of blood glucose, regular monitoring of urine protein and blood pressure levels is necessary, not monitoring, unknowingly, until high blood sugar and lead to kidney problems away to solve a little too late, some patients in the treatment of early attention, over time, emphasis on the decline, since that service yao normal control, and so delay the timing of treatment. Some patients only laboratory fasting plasma glucose rather than to monitor the postprandial blood glucose, neglect accounted for the day 24 hours 2/3 of the time in the monitoring of postprandial hyperglycemia state. Also missed the part of postprandial hyperglycemia as the main manifestation of early diabetes, once discovered suffering have diabetes, kidney disease patients.

People with diabetes can eat bananas?

Condition analysis:
The control of blood glucose is the purpose of treatment of patients with diabetes. All foods rich in sugar for diabetic patients need to be restrained., People with diabetes can eat bananas you?
Opinions and suggestions:
But to eat banana sugar content is high, pay attention to controlling the amount of control of blood sugar, to eat.
The nutritional value of a banana.
Bananas contain starch, protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, carotenoids, vitamins A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, dietary fiber. Heat, relax, and detoxification. For toothache, constipation, fever, polydipsia, dry throat, sore throat, Hyperactivity cough, all kinds of pain, sore throat, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary embolism secondary nursed back to health. The rind decoction hangover.
2 the use of banana
Banana fruit in addition to for fresh fruit consumption, can also be used for processing, such as ripe bananas can be made of banana powder, used for making pastry and bread; fruit brew banana wine or extract alcohol after fermentation; canning of ripe fruit can be processed, preserved fruit, dried banana, juice, flavor, and so on. false banana stems, suckers, buds contain large quantities of nutrients, is a good green fodder can be used to feed the pigs. false stem and leaves are rich in cellulose, can be made rope, braid, and paper; false stem juice can distill a food preservative and dye fixative, false stem ash alkali content is high, can be used for caustic soda water. false stems, leaves the high potassium content, cut broken back land to increase soil organic matter and loose soil, but also increase the potassium of the soil.
3, the banana eating Taboo:
1) constipation appropriate morning fasting bananas constipation a therapeutic effect.
2) hyperacidity should not be eating, stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea should not eat.

Diabetic eye disease should be how to prevent and treat

Is well known that diabetes if timely treatment, it is very easy to suffer from various complications, one of the eye disease is a relatively high prevalence of complications, experts say, the sooner the better for the prevention and treatment of diabetic eye disease, , diabetic eye disease should be how to prevent and treat it?
Try to eat, pay attention to the control diet. Not eat sweets, and less high cholesterol, such as: organ meats, egg yolks, etc., to promote the consumption of green leafy vegetables, whole grains cereals.
2, should be promptly to a specialist hospital for examination and treatment of the eye, while actively control blood sugar. The commonly used method is to use Western medicine to control blood glucose at a normal level, because all the serious eye disease caused by high blood sugar.
3, for the simple early lesions, retinal laser treatment, the laser beam focused on the retinal lesions closed exudation, hemorrhage, and neovascular lesions, to improve the normal retinal blood supply. Absorption of drugs for late proliferative lesions, orally or by injection to promote blood clots, bleeding subsided able to see the fundus, and then the laser treatment.

what caused Diabetes vision confused

Diabetic retinopathy is not to be underestimated, if not treated, then it is likely to lead to the risk of blindness, then, in addition to retinopathy causes blurred vision, but also for what reasons do?
A refractive error. Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
2, and glaucoma.
3, eye trauma. Penetrating eye injury, blunt trauma, blast injury, chemical burns, radiation injury.
4, the systemic circulation disorders and metabolic disorders and genetic diseases. Hypertensive retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, nephritis retinopathy, pregnancy induced hypertension retinopathy, blood disease retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, ischemic optic neuropathy, cataract.
5, inflammation is the most common cause blurred vision.
(1) infection: caused by bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, fungi, parasites, keratitis, corneal ulcers, iridocyclitis, choroiditis, endophthalmitis, the whole eye inflammation, orbital cellulitis, etc. .
(2) non-infectious: bullous keratitis, uveitis (iridocyclitis, choroiditis), sympathetic ophthalmia, Harada disease.
6, strabismus, amblyopia.