Thursday 16 August 2012

Dialysis Treatment for Renal Failure

Dialysis is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is used primarily to provide anartificial replacement for lost kidney function in people with renal failure.Dialysis may be used for those with an acute disturbance in kidney function, or progressive but chronically worsening kidney function–a state known as chronic kidney disease stage 5. The latter form may develop over months or years, but in contrast to acute kidney injury is not usually reversible, and dialysis is regarded as a "holding measure" until a renal transplant can be performed, or sometimes as the only supportive measure in those for whom a transplant would be inappropriate.
Peritoneal Dialysis involves the use of a small simple machine. Most of your dialysis happens over approximately 8-9 hours at night. You are attached to the machine for the duration of your treatment, most people find it convenient and manage to sleep quite well once they are used to it. A small amount of involvement is required during the day but this is kept to the minimum and fits in with your plans. However, it may not offer the best treatment for everyone and it is something that will be discussed with your healthcare professionals.
One of the biggest adjustments you must make when you start hemodialysis treatments is following a strict schedule. Most patients go to a clinic-a dialysis center-three times a week for 3 to 5 or more hours each visit. For example, you may be on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule or a Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday schedule. You may be asked to choose a morning, afternoon, or evening shift, depending on availability and capacity at the dialysis unit. Your dialysis center will explain your options for scheduling regular treatments.

Type of Polycystic Kidney Disease

(1) polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, showing the cortex and medulla of the kidney appeared in numerous sizes of the cysts, they have gradually grown up, squeezed in renal tissue, resulting in renal damage and renal dysfunction, when the renal clearance loss of function of the body of waste, due to the accumulation of toxins, the final form of uremia and life-threatening. Divided into autosomal dominant adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive infantile polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) are two types of polycystic kidney disease, according to their genetic characteristics.
(2) simple renal cysts (simpls renal cysts)
Simple renal cysts are the most common form of human renal disease, mainly seen in the adult aged over 50 is more common, simple renal cysts usually presents one side or one or a few cysts in both kidneys in general was isolated spherical, located in the renal cortex (also located in the deep cortex or medulla), and altered kidney shape.
3.Acquired renal cysts (ARCD)
Acquired renal cystic other than those due to renal disease (cystic kidney disease) caused by renal failure, renal cystic disease, on each side of renal cysts have more than one performance of multiple symmetry cyst " . More than 40% of the renal parenchyma by multiple cysts replaced by B ultrasound or CT can be found in more than four of the cyst.
(4) dysplasia, polycystic kidney disease (MCDK)
This disease is the most common neonatal abdominal mass, one of the reasons, the lesions often has the unilateral, segmental stenosis of the renal collecting system, bilateral often life-threatening. The majority of patients with prenatal ultrasound can be confirmed that the clinical manifestations of asymptomatic abdominal mass. Suffering from renal loss of normal shape, instead of the irregular size of the cyst, ipsilateral renal function, and is often accompanied by ureteral obstruction, the contralateral kidney compensatory hypertrophy, 10% of the contralateral input urinary obstruction.
5.Medullary sponge kidney (madullary sporge kidney):
Renal medullary sponge kidney is a common renal medullary cystic disease, one of. Is a relatively common renal abnormalities, the incidence rate of approximately 1/5000, the majority to 40 to 50 years old before onset. Which is characterized by medullary collecting duct cystic expansion to approximate the sponge from the gross appearance point of view, hence the name. Two kidney is normal or slightly enlarged, generally only the nipple area was the radioactive arranged), and hematuria and infection, a rare occurrence of uremia renal clusters of multiple stones
6.Renal medullary cystic disease (madullary cystic disease)
Renal medullary cystic disease and medullary sponge kidney, it is a rare hereditary nephropathy, 80% for recessive inheritance, 20% for the dominant inheritance. The common age of onset is in childhood, usually to young people the development of uremia, two kidney narrowing, multiple cysts in the medulla, with diameters ranging from 0.1 to 1 cm, tubular atrophy, 10% to 15% with retinitis pigmentosa.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Living with lupus nephritis

When you are first diagnosed with lupus, you will probably go through a range of emotions; relief, that you finally have a name for your symptoms; worry, is lupus fatal, can it be cured, do I have to live like this all of my life?; anger, why me? All of these emotions are normal & you will probably go through many more during the course of the disease.
It can take a long time to come to terms with having lupus, knowing that there is no cure. It can have a big effect on your life & the lives of those around you. But there is hope you can live well with lupus.
It is important to accept that you have a chronic illness, that your life has changed. You will have to accept help from other people, both emotional & physical help, don't feel guilty about accepting help, you cannot expect to do everything yourself.
You will have good days & bad days, remember to take each day as it comes, if you feel tired & in pain, then rest, if you feel well enough, then you can be more active, but don't overdo things. You might not realise at the time that you have done too much, but it will catch you up later on. If necessary, lower your housekeeping standards, many chores can be done every other day or week, rather than daily weekly. Delegate - don't think that you have to do everything, other people will be only to glad to help. After all if you overdo things you will feel much worse afterwards, & less able to carry on as normal.
You may start to feel that you are not well enough to carry on with your job, either because of the pain & fatigue, or because of psychological problems such as difficulty concentrating, or depression. You may feel that you don't want to give up your job, but it is important to remember that your health comes first, & to carry on working when you are unwell can make things worse. If the situation arises, try talking to your boss, you may be able to come up with another solution, such as working less hours. Even if you do have to give up your job, it needn't be the end of the world. If money is a problem, there are state benefits available. Another option may be to look for a less demanding job, or work from home. You could look at turning a hobby into a small business. If you lose your job, don't see it as the end, see it as a new beginning, an opportunity to turn things to your advantage.
Don't turn away from your family & friends, remember that they will be worried about you, & want to help. They can be a wonderful source of support, talk to them & tell them how you feel. You may find that you gradually lose contact with friends during the course of your illness, this can be because you are too tired to participate in social activities. To avoid this from happening try to explain to them how you feel, that you are too tired to go out, suggest an alternative such as them coming round to your house. If you do lose contact with friends, you can meet new people who are in the same boat as you at support group meetings (see below).
Join a national lupus charity (Lupus UK, Lupus Foundation of America), they will provide you with support (often locally) from people who know exactly what you are going through, and can also provide literature & books on lupus. A little knowledge is a great thing, learning about lupus can help enormously in understanding & coping with the disease. There will be support groups that you can attend to talk things over with other sufferers, talking to strangers can sometimes be easier than talking to family members.
Avoid using alcohol or tranquilisers as 'problem solvers'. They don't solve problems, & turning to drugs or alcohol can lead to addiction, as well as the very real dangers of alcohol/drug interaction.
Identify your fears. Make a list of them, & discuss with your family or friends. Together you can look for ways to deal with them, after all 'a problem shared is a problem halved'.
Lupus can affect a person's appearance, & therefore affect self-confidence, but there are many ways of solving these problems. There are many good coverup cosmetics available (also available on prescription) which can cover up rashes. Choose clothing which helps disguise or distract the eye from the effects of fluid retention & swelling. If hair loss is a problem, these days there are a lot a natural looking wigs available. If you look better, you will be less self-conscious, & consequently, feel better.

Top Ten Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Facts

Each person has two kidneys in their lower back. Each kidney is made up of approximately one million tiny filters called “glomeruli.” Much as a coffee filter keeps coffee grounds in, glomeruli keep valuable cells and protein in the blood. When glomeruli become damaged, proteins begin leaking into the urine (proteinuria). Proteinuria causes fluid to accumulate in the body, and prolonged leakage can lea d to kidney damage and even failure. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a rare disease that attacks the kidney’s filtering system (glomeruli) causing serious scarring. FSGS is one of the causes of a serious condition known as Nephrotic Syndrome.
FSGS is diagnosed with renal biopsy (when doctors examine a tiny portion of the kidney tissue), however, because only some sections of the glomeruli are affected, the biopsy can sometimes be inconclusive.
FSGS causes inefficient filtering of wastes from the blood which in return causes the following symptoms:
1. Proteinuria – Large amounts of protein “spilling” into the urine
2. Edema – Swelling in parts of the body, most noticeable around the eyes, hands and feet, that can become painful
3.Hypertension – High blood pressure
4. Hypoproteinemia – Low blood protein
5. For those who have a family member with FSGS, your chance of this disease is increased. Some of the genes known to be related with FSGS are alpha actinin, WT1, and podocin. It is more prone to African-Americans than other groups.
6. Hypercholesterolemia – High level of cholesterol in the blood
7. Proteinuria Treatment aims to decrease the amount of protein lost in the urine
8.The less protein in the urine, the better the patient will do
9. Even a partial remission is important
10.Many adults can achieve a complete or partial remission with immune suppressing medications
you can visit fsgs treatment without kideny transplant

5 Top symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms that occur when glomeruli are damaged.
1. Proteinuria 
Large amounts of protein lost by “spilling” into the urine - more than 3.5 grams of protein into urine during a 24-hour period, or 25 times the normal amount. (This is the primary indicator of Nephrotic Syndrome).
2. Edema 
Pronounced swelling in parts of the body, most visible in the head, hands and feet, can become painful
3. Hypertension 
Increased blood pressure
Low blood protein
Often a high level of cholesterol in the blood

Renal failure patients how to control the creatinine is not rising?

Serum creatinine is generally believed that endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. The clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods commonly used in the understanding of renal function. Serum creatinine higher than normal most of the mean kidney damage, serum creatinine, a more accurate response to renal parenchymal damage. Serum creatinine normal measure of the hospital is not the same, In general, serum creatinine normal standard :44-133umol / L when the serum creatinine of more than 133umol / L means renal injury, have renal insufficiency and renal failure.
Experts, the main method of control creatinine rise following several:
1, drug control. Drugs to reduce creatinine Ai Xite, this drug can quickly lower creatinine values​​, but it should be noted that this therapy is only treating the symptoms not the illness, only to increase the number of discharge toxins from the body from other sources, to temporarily alleviate the high creatinine symptoms, and not a fundamental solution to the creatinine high. Long-term side effects, and once after discontinuation of the patients, creatinine values ​​will be rising rapidly, and even higher than before creatinine values​​.
2, diet control. This requires creatinine at which stage of renal insufficiency, creatinine level of different diets, there are differences, but no matter what stage had to follow the principle of kidney disease diet: low salt, low fat and a small amount of high-quality protein, avoid spicy.

Why micro-Chinese medicine treatment of IGA nephritis?

Chinese medicine treatment or Western medicine treatment? Many patients are often on the Internet for these problems, the most appropriate treatment in order to know the disease which, first of all, let us first understand the next IGA nephritis?
IGA nephritis Definition: Primary IGA nephritis is an immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis, glomerular IgA deposition as the main feature, clinical hematuria, urinary protein, hypertension is the major clinical symptoms, almost all The IGA nephritis patients have hematuria.
IGA nephritis so how is it treated? There are several ways we look under the Western treatment: Western medicine to treat the disease are immunosuppressive agents, and hormones, the role of these two drugs is to inhibit the role of immune and anti-inflammatory . You can play a temporary reduction in immune complexes and the extracellular matrix, the incentive to temporarily remove the temporary control of the disease, the symptoms temporarily negative. Some patients thought that he was sick, and no longer need treatment. Everyone knows this effect depend on the drug out of the heap, and renal causes have not yet removed, renal intrinsic cells or damage symptoms, withdrawal, less medicine, cold, fatigue and other factors, recurrence or worsening of the IGA nephritis. And long-term use of hormones may bring side effects are really worrying.
We all know that Chinese medicine can dig up the roots of various diseases, but traditional Chinese medicine also has lots of functions, prepared for the IGA nephritis in patients with signs of herb decoction can really help ease the patient's condition, oral decoction need to go through the digestion and absorption The circulatory system can not get access kidney damage lesions, drug utilization is low enough to treat the disease.
In order to allow IGA nephritis patients both to avoid hormone therapy easy to recurrent episodes of suffering, but also make better use of the active ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. After ten years of research, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital launched a micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy, patients with kidney disease to see hope. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration show therapy is treatment for kidney disease?
1, the processing methods of traditional Chinese medicine is the crushing and boiling. We use high-tech micro-processing technology to make the powder finer, easier to absorb, and penetration through the kidney area in vitro Chinese medicine active substances directly served kidney damage lesions, drug utilization.
Disease patients with active period, or need to use Western means to be controlled, but this is not enough, while Chinese medicine therapies to repair kidney damage inherent in cells, degradation of extracellular matrix. Reach the kidney after the micro-TCM active substances, can play an anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of four, to accomplish this task, a fundamental treatment of IGA nephritis.
Yi (2) structural abnormalities of the poly IgA1 or IgA1 immune complexes in mesangial deposits, affecting the normal physiological function of the mesangial, one of the most prominent in the region occurred microcirculation, that is, ischemia and hypoxia, and further increased the damage of mesangial fibrosis and lead to glomerular inflammatory reaction, causing the release of inflammatory mediators of renal toxicity, so that the intrinsic cells of the entire glomerular damage, and then fibrosis pathological changes. Therefore, ischemia and hypoxia is the source of the factors of patients with renal fibrosis, the source is also a kidney cell damage inherent
Chinese medicine multi-target therapy of micro-IGA nephritis first to seize the source factors play a role in ischemia and hypoxia. Expansion of the renal artery at all levels, all levels of systemic artery to improve renal ischemia and hypoxia, to create the conditions for the repair of renal intrinsic cells.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

How to treat diabetic kidney disease

Because the typical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, usually symptomatic treatment should first be strict control of blood sugar, chronic hyperglycemia is the main reason for the cause of diabetic nephropathy microangiopathy. Control of blood glucose by insulin subcutaneous continuous infusion therapy, can effectively control the progression of nephropathy; followed in order to effectively control high blood pressure, high blood pressure not only to accelerate the progress of diabetic nephropathy glomerular damage, and aggravate diabetic nephropathy retinal lesions. Effectively control discharge to reduce high blood pressure can make the urine protein allows reduced kidney function to slow down and prolong life; again active treatment of urinary tract infections because the infection may lead to complications, accelerate damage to the kidneys.
How the treatment of diabetic nephropathy? Shijiazhuang kidney used in hospitals for the treatment of micro-based medicine penetrate therapy can maximize the treatment on the one hand to repair damaged kidney cells in the lesions, blocking the process of renal fibrosis, lower serum creatinine, to reduce the renal anemia complications of renal hypertension, renal edema, protein, occult blood, and other indicators also enable the reduction or even negative, can prolong dialysis time interval, or even get rid of dialysis, at the same time regulate and control the primary disease. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy, is a Chinese herb in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy, not only to avoid the oral administration of important drawbacks, but also fundamentally block the development of renal fibrosis. In the micro infiltration therapy to block the insulin resistance of traditional Chinese medicine for the damaged islet cells and islet repair, repair of patients with pancreatic islet function for therapeutic purposes.

How to treat Diabetic diarrhea

Diarrhea are common symptoms of diabetic patients in the clinical, if not treated early or incorrect treatment may cause diabetes in patients with exacerbations and weaken the resistance, so the timely adoption of an effective way to treat diarrhea in diabetic patients health is very important.
Diabetic diarrhea should Since several aspects of treatment?
A correct selection of hypoglycemic agents. The acute phase should be the preferred insulin, blood sugar stable and within normal range, as the blood sugar back to normal, diarrhea lessens until it disappeared.
Clothes calcium antagonists. Intestinal cells can increase the absorption of sodium, chloride and water, may be better to improve the status of diabetic diarrhea. Is particularly applicable to the diabetic with hypertension and patients with diarrhea.
3 antidiarrheal drugs. Guidance by a doctor, serving controlling diarrheal drugs to improve gastrointestinal motility, berberine, metronidazole inhibition of intestinal bacteria, but avoid the abuse of broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs.
. Give a neurotrophic agent, such as vitamin B1 and B12, and give Zhuxiaohuayao appropriate preparation of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, herbal topical treatment to avoid western medicine on the stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, the better.

How to treat Nocturia increased with diabetes?

Elderly diabetic and a history of diabetes than patients over 10 years, often to the number of nocturia, which is what causes it?
Diabetes nocturia increased
Diabetes increased nocturia The reason is caused by renal function and renal tubular dysfunction. Caused by such a mechanism in many aspects, such as diabetes, metabolic disorders, blood hypertonic, high-viscosity state, microvascular injury, and glomerular filtration, perfusion status, etc. can make the abnormal tubular structure, the structure of the abnormal will inevitably lead to functional impairment.
Nocturia increased with diabetes how to do?
Accompanied by nocturia increased, the number of nocturia increased light by night to urinate 2 to 3 times the weight of up to 10 times more often lead to patients with lack of sleep, decreased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, irritability, listlessness, these can be a frequent cause of hyperglycemia, it is difficult to control. Which should arouse the attention of clinicians and patients to be treated actively.
The advantage of using the multi-target Chinese medicine living pancreatic infiltration therapy treatment, multi-target Chinese living pancreatic infiltration therapy is the use of modern high-tech, repair insulin drug resistance genes for ultrafine grinding the active substances in the extraction of drugs: the islet activin, and islet cell regulatory factors, trypsin activated factor, plant active protein factor. This high degree of purification, to make drug use to play the greatest efficacy in order to better treatment of diabetes.

Micro chinese medicine treatment renal failure

The cause of renal failure because of a variety of causes kidney therefore inherent cell deformation and damage. With glomerular renal failure, for example, can explain our method of treatment: glomerular disease is an autoimmune disease, predisposing factors often combine to form immune complexes by the antigen or antibody, and deposition in glomeruli (immune complexes). The participation of inflammatory mediators (such as complement, interleukins, reactive oxygen species, etc.), and finally lead to glomerular injury. In the practice of treatment, the following measures:
(1) expansion of the renal artery, increasing the effective perfusion of the renal glomerular, tubular, quality, and accelerated damage to the cell i dependent, alleviate hypoxia.
(2) expansion of the systemic arterial blood, reduce and mitigate the high pressure of the body, especially to reduce glomerular pressure, reduce glomerular consider high state.
(3) formed by speeding up the method of dependents to avoid endothelial cells are not activated to inhibit the micro-tied.
(4) has been activated inflammatory cells to speed up the blood speed and in sufficient quantities to support, to inhibit chemotaxis and infiltration of a series of inflammatory factors, prevent abnormal release.
Clinical observation of reality, through the implementation of more than four treatment measures, the normal metabolic function of the glomerulus is activated, the when glomerular situation improved, the whole kidney function also will improve
2, Treatment of chronic renal failure, followed by treatment for the disease process
The process of development of chronic renal failure, effective renal units gradually decreased renal function loss. In this process, the kidneys gradually shrink, and a large number of glomerulosclerosis, tubulo - interstitial fibrosis. Therefore, the process of renal failure, deepening the process is the extent of renal fibrosis. Blocking renal fibrosis process for effective control of disease progression to uremia is important.
Blocking the process of renal fibrosis has been a major problem in the medical profession, although there are some research institutions that some traditional Chinese medicine has a certain effect of blocking the process of renal fibrosis, but the real applications are not many clinical. Hospital use of the drug is processed by the micro-based series of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine treatment by micro-technology, the increased activity of many medicines, it is difficult to play a role in the traditional conditions can also be brought into full play the role.
Renal fibrosis and the formation of a large number of extracellular matrix synthesis and accumulation has played a key role. The excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix will lead to organizational results and loss of function of the kidneys. In this process, the myofibroblasts to generate its major role in the synthesis of extracellular matrix can also be said that the myofibroblast is the main source of extracellular matrix. To this end blocking renal fibrosis process, must be blocked into the renal interstitial fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, transformed into a fundamental part. Hospital breakthrough synthesis of difficult to degrade collagen, and its mechanism: Effects of active substances in the human body and myofibroblasts molecules close integration (molecular valence bond), after fusion, the composition of myofibroblasts degradation, prompting muscle fibroblast cell lysis, and fragmentation. Cracking, broken myofibroblasts phagocytes or pieces excreted.

Micro- Chinese medicine treatment for pkd and renal cyst

Micro- Chinese medicine penetrate the treatment of congenital polycystic kidney disease without surgical treatment, because yes, even surgery (decortication surgery or extraction curing surgery) cyst compression of renal parenchyma is temporarily solve, but caused by the removal of the total can not solve the big cysts small cyst but will quickly reduce the pressure increased. Surgical therapy is only an expedient measure, with limitations.
Effective traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease treated by advanced technology technology, micro-processing has a strong biological activity, and has targeted positioning and targeted therapy for cystic lesions. Therapeutic effect of the therapy played the following two aspects:
First: expansion of the blood vessels of polycystic kidney disease around the vessel wall, accelerating wall of blood circulation, prompting the wall permeability increases; prompted the pressure drop in the wall of blood vessels; reversal due to intravascular pressure higher than the differential pressure of the intracapsular pressure; accelerate the fluid within the cyst moisture absorption to the blood vessels in the back.
Second : The infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances to inhibit the continued secretion of the epithelial cells of the cyst wall; prevent the wall of blood vessels and cysts continue enlargement.
The above treatment, and infiltration therapy of active substances in micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment improved the vascular wall and the cyst circulatory disturbance state, softened wall, an increase of the external wall of the permeability and the inhibition of the role of the wall cells to secrete. Above can be seen that the following four areas: micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration treatment of polycystic kidney disease:
First: to reduce the formation of cyst fluid, to alleviate the oppression of glomerular and tubular renal blood vessels to promote blood circulation to the damaged kidney tissue, and improve local hypoxia, and accelerate the repair of damaged kidney tissue to create a loose repair the environment.
Chinese medicine after the Second: Micro active substances, blocking cyst oppression kidney leading to renal fibrosis (scarring) caused by the loss of renal function. As congenital cysts gradually increasing oppression of the glomeruli, tubules, renal interstitial, and renal vessels, leading to renal ischemia, hypoxia, and start the injured kidney fibrosis (scar formation) . Renal fibrosis is the formation of kidney tissue structure is destroyed, and renal function will be lost. The micro-penetration therapy of traditional Chinese medicine active substances in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the key is: blocking the deterioration of renal fibrosis due to cyst oppression and start the chain, blocking due to compression caused by renal hypoxia, the vicious cycle of kidney damage, to ensure that residual The kidneys are no longer oppressed, protect renal function.
Third: Micro medicine infiltration therapy of active substances can damage the kidneys repair material, such as various vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, amino acids, and accelerated damage to the kidney repair.
Fourth: the micro-Chinese medicine infiltration therapy of active substances into the damaged kidney tissue, the activation damaged the organization of DNA within the cell and promote its synthesis to accelerate its replication and accelerated damage to the protein synthesis within the organization, improve infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances on the repair and reconstruction of damaged kidney tissue mechanisms to accelerate the reconstruction function of play, prompting polycystic kidney damage kidney structural improvements, and accelerated damage to the recovery of renal function. The theory of acupuncture for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease has laid a solid treatment foundation for clinical rapid treatment of polycystic kidney disease, renal injury, and achieved a good clinical effect.

Monday 6 August 2012

People with diabetes how to detect microalbuminuria?

Microalbuminuria is to check the gold standard for the prevention of diabetic nephropathy, early detection, specific check for microalbuminuria how to do it? Patients with diabetes how to ensure the accuracy of test results?
People with diabetes how to detect microalbuminuria?
From time to time to stay in the urine method: calculate the urinary albumin excretion rate per unit time.
1, from time to time to stay in the urine method to detect microalbuminuria in the first step:
The usual practice is to sacrificing before going to sleep until the next morning this time the urine sample for testing. Urinate before going to sleep, and discard the urine sample, and accurate records of time (minutes), after each urination at night, all specimens from urine samples stored in the sample collection container, early in the morning urination, specimens from the sample, accurate records of time.
2, from time to time to stay in the urine method detection of microalbuminuria in the second step:
Urine in the container of this mix, accurate records of urine output, remove the cup of urine, for inspection. Detection will be based on the urinary albumin concentration, urine sample and urine of time (minutes) per minute between urinary albumin excretion.
Patients with diabetes how to ensure the accuracy of test results? Accurate records of stay in the urine and urine output is very important to obtain accurate results, patients with diabetes to protect the integrity of the urine to be able to reduce check deviation.

Long-term dry skin, itching to guard against diabetes!

The most typical symptoms of diabetes is more than three a few symptoms, but some early stage of diabetes onset of symptoms is not more than three a few symptoms, but other symptoms. The experts have warned that if the dry skin, itching, can not find a good solution, beware diabetes!
Some of the early stage of diabetic patients showed the symptoms are not obvious, is not easy to find long-term high blood sugar is hidden in the body, it will damage the body's blood vessels and nerves, the body's peripheral nerves was the destruction will lead to diabetic skin itching and other symptoms appear. Skin itching caused due to diabetes, simply rely on symptomatic antipruritic Western medicine is to achieve results, so if you have long-term dry skin, itching, and the medication not remission should watch diabetes.
Long-term dry skin, itching to guard against diabetes!
Diabetes-induced skin diseases and skin diseases in general pathogenesis must be actively repair the body's nervous system, to be able to cure skin diseases.
Consider TCM latest hemp hurt Kang, hemp pain Kang is a research and development specifically for diabetic neuropathy, the treatment results are satisfactory, the damaged nerve cells through oxidative stress, protecting the body's nervous system, as well as provide the nutrition necessary for growth material to help the body to maximize the recovery of the nervous system, the treatment of diabetic skin lesions

Tuesday 31 July 2012

How to care Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a systemic disease threat to the elderly at an early stage if you do not timely treatment and scientific care, will lead to a variety of complications caused by systemic disease, then, type 2 diabetes patients how to care?
First, we should first understand the causes of patients will be more targeted, so that at the time of treatment, the occurrence of type 2 diabetes is mainly due to islet cell damage, the relative lack of insulin secretion or produce insulin resistance, making blood sugar l high because the body's blood throughout the body, so it can be said, the body has been soaked in sugar poison, so that the various organs of the body is damaged, the various complications of the diabetic foot, diabetic eye disease, diabetic nephropathy.
Secondly, for obese type 2 diabetic patients, the most critical need is to lose weight, so weight loss is through exercise to lower blood lipids, improve heart and lung function, exercise can improve circulation, respiratory function was better exercise.
In addition, people with diabetes also need to understand some basic nursing skills:
Learn how to monitor blood sugar and record blood glucose levels; know they should eat and mealtime; need to know how to take drugs when necessary; know how to identify and deal with high blood sugar or hypoglycemia; learn how to safely pass a sick day; about diabetes drugs and other supplies the place of purchase, and know how to store these items.

How much harm is of type 1 diabetes?

More than 90% of children with type 1 diabetes to see the "emergency" were only found
Diabetes experts say, type 1 diabetes is not a cold, fever so easily lead to the attention of parents, more than 90% of children with exacerbation induced by fever, diarrhea and other infectious diseases, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, poor spirit, and even ketoacidosis, coma and other symptoms, emergency department when diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Experts remind that when children following aura symptoms, the parents must be vigilant: 1, often thirsty, and the children also up at night to drink water. 2, bedwetting, bedwetting in infants and young children have disappeared for some time re-emergence of nocturnal enuresis. 3, eat more and not gain weight, and even weight loss, mental fatigue.
How to treat type 1 diabetes
Treatment of type 1 diabetes, conventional therapy is the injection of insulin, and strengthen the control of diet treatment, but this is only the kinds of palliatives treatment can not cure type 1 diabetes can not prevent the occurrence of complications, and treatment must last a lifetime, which makes many parents despair, feel sorry for!

What are the Symptoms and Causes of type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes occurs mainly in adolescents, it has its own 'law, if we have these laws, you can prevent and treat diabetes. Type 1 diabetes at different times have different characteristics:
(1) acute metabolic disorders of
From the symptoms to the clinical diagnosis of more than three months or less, this period a variety of symptoms of diabetes, known as acute metabolic disorders of. Of which about 20% of ketoacidosis, 20% to 40% of ketosis without acidosis, the rest only hyperglycemia and urine. But all of the patients with type 1 diabetes require insulin injections therapy.
(2) The honeymoon period
Treatment of 2 weeks to 3 months, 2/3 of patients with symptoms may gradually disappear, and decreased blood sugar, urine sugar, reduce the temporary recovery of islet function, increased serum insulin and serum C-peptide levels, reduced insulin requirements, a few can even need to take insulin to go into remission, also known as the "honeymoon period" or "honeymoon remission. Men diabetes symptoms more common than women. Ease of obvious 3 years of age and adolescent girls to ease the year ranging from a few weeks, the difference is very large, with an average of 3 to 6 months.
(3) diabetes strengthening of
Often due to infection, improper diet, and pubertal development, leaving the sicker, the performance suddenly or gradually increase the amount of insulin, plasma insulin and C-peptide levels again to reduce. Islets tended to failure, and pancreatic islet B-cell depleted the same, sometimes accompanied by fibrosis, this period is called "diabetes of the intensive phase.
(4) permanent type of diabetes of
Most of the islet B cells be destroyed, to be totally dependent on exogenous insulin to sustain life. Insulin dosage gradually increased to stabilize the amount gradually into permanent diabetes mellitus of more time in five years or so after the onset. Puberty because of the role of sex hormones, insulin resistance, the condition tend to have fluctuations in the amount of insulin increases again. After puberty, the condition gradually stabilized, but in case of infection and stress, his condition will deteriorate.

Monday 23 July 2012

What are the early symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes accounts for more than 90% of the total number of all patients with diabetes is a chronic, systemic disease, and if not timely treatment, there will be a variety of complications, then, the early type 2 diabetes Symptoms are what it?
Diabetes Treatment Center in Hebei experts were introduced as follows:
The early symptoms of numbness in type 1 and 2 diabetes: Diabetes can cause peripheral neuritis, numbness, pain and burning sensation appears, and some people will have the feeling of walking step, such as cotton. The incidence of diabetes with advanced peripheral neuritis.
Decreased vision: Diabetes can cause cataracts, and lead to vision loss, and rapid progress, and sometimes caused by acute retinal lesions caused by acute vision loss.
3,2 Type 2 diabetes early symptoms of more than three a few: significant increase in food intake and weight loss.
4,2 Type 2 diabetes early symptoms of diarrhea and constipation: Diabetes can cause visceral neuropathy, resulting in the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which appeared intractable diarrhea and constipation, the diarrhea to antibiotic therapy.
Difficulty urinating, difficulty urinating: men with diabetes is about 21.7%. Therefore, the elderly in the event of difficulty urinating, in addition to enlarged prostate, you should consider the possibility of diabetes.

What is the difference between type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes?

In many cases, we will often be confused with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes will have some similar symptoms, but they still have the essential difference, we introduce a type the difference in the nature of diabetes and type 2 diabetes:
The difference between a: Type 2 diabetes in patients with underweight, eat drink much urine; patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight.
The difference between the two: Type 1 diabetes is more common in the onset of the population under 30 years of age is relatively low, the occurrence of disease is also more anxious; the incidence of type 2 diabetes population is relatively older more common in over 40 years of age, the incidence of the slow.
The difference: type 1 diabetes has obvious symptoms of "Chronicles", ie urine, drink more, eat more. And it is easy to determine the onset time. Type 2 diabetes no particularly obvious symptoms. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the time of onset of type 2 diabetes.
The difference: type 1 insulin sensitivity, patients must rely on outside insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents do not have any effect; type 2 insulin-dependent, can be treated by controlling the diet, oral hypoglycemic agents.
The difference: type 1 diabetes is increased in fasting blood insulin and C-peptide lower than normal, and eating; in patients with type 2 diabetes, fasting blood insulin and C-peptide is normal, increased or slightly increased but the peak value of delay after eating.

What are risks of type 2 diabetes

The etiology of type 2 diabetes and type 1 diabetes compared to more complex studies have shown that the etiology of type 2 diabetes and genetic factors have a certain relationship, following by the experts of the Diabetes Treatment Center in Hebei detailed introduction.
And the etiology of type 2 diabetes-related factors are:
Bad habits: type 2 diabetes more susceptible to bad habits and other factors, including urbanization, lifestyle, such as high-fat, high protein, high-calorie, low-carbohydrate, low cellulose bad eating habits, as well as physical reduced activity, psychological stress, lack of sleep and other bad habits, resulting in weight gain (obesity), elevated blood pressure, dyslipidemia, etc.. Type 2 diabetes by itself and environmental factors, such as senior citizens, depressed anxiety, lack of knowledge of diabetes prevention and treatment of serious pollution of the natural environment.
2, genetic factors: relatively speaking, type 2 diabetes has a stronger hereditary, and race, familial aggregation phenomenon. On the basis of genetic predisposition, coupled with bad habits and other factors, resulting in lower pancreatic insulin secretion, and the emergence of insulin resistance (lower insulin sensitivity), etc., will be prone to type 2 diabetes.

Friday 20 July 2012

Cause of diabetic nephropathy:

1, high blood sugar: Long-term excessive blood sugar increased. Can be caused by increased capillary permeability. Plasma protein extravasation. Caused by the capillary basement membrane damage. Glomerulosclerosis and renal tissue atrophy.
2, high-protein diet exacerbate the deterioration of diabetic nephropathy: patients with diabetes due to strict restrictions on carbohydrate intake. The main food supply of high-protein fiber. The other. Resulting in excessive protein decomposition products and phosphorus load and accumulation. In turn exacerbate the pathological damage in DN.
3, the impact of hypertension: patients with diabetes due to lipid metabolism disorders. Atherosclerosis and other many reasons. A large number of patients with hypertension. These patients can be seen almost urine microalbumin. Showed that renal impairment is common.

Nursing Care for Diabetic nephropathy

Care is the basis for the treatment of diabetes and its complications, is also true for patients with diabetic nephropathy, patients with diabetic nephropathy how to care it?
1, for patients with diabetic nephropathy, should adhere to the low protein diet, low-protein diet can reduce the glomerular filtration rate, can also reduce urinary protein excretion.
Two patients with diabetic nephropathy to keep the skin clean and free from infection. Ground, bathing, changing clothes, dry skin, you can wipe a point of moisturizing cream.
3, no high blood pressure, edema is not obvious, no renal dysfunction, little protein in patients with diabetic nephropathy may be appropriate to participate in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, prevention of infection; edema, high blood pressure patients or renal insufficiency patients, should be bed rest, keep warm.
4, the diet should be light, heavy diet of salted fish, bacon, salt is not edible. In the cold winter, many people like to eat hot pot, warm the body, but in patients with diabetic nephropathy is not suitable to eat spicy hot pot. As well as in cold weather favorable for beef and mutton, diabetic nephropathy in patients unfit for human consumption.
5, more than to breathe the fresh air, help to help the psychological care of patients with diabetic nephropathy.
Patients with diabetic nephropathy should ban smoking, mainly because of high blood pressure, high-protein, high blood sugar diet, smoking is the main reason that can aggravate diabetic nephropathy.

Diagnose diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic glomerular sclerosis in diabetes-induced kidney damage, mainly in clinical edema, proteinuria, hypertension, and this case, patients timely treatment, it is likely to be diabetic nephropathy . So, how do we diagnose diabetic nephropathy?
1, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy depends on kidney damage: the early renal damage mainly to the increase in glomerular filtration rate and microalbuminuria, the last several years. Further, there may be asymptomatic proteinuria began to intermittently later, compared with last. Persistent proteinuria prompted the breadth and severity of renal disease. Severe glomerulosclerosis with massive proteinuria and hypoproteinemia, nephrotic syndrome, often accompanied by hypertension and creatinine clearance rate of decline. More than 90% of patients with diabetic retinopathy.
2, the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy depends on renal manifestations: a typical case how polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss of "a little" symptoms. The light may be asymptomatic. The disease develops slowly, the progression of the disease involving other organs, such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, retinopathy, cataracts, peripheral neuropathy, etc. in addition to involving the renal acceptable.

What are the main symptoms of diabetic nephropathy

Kind of diabetic complications is diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy in patients with symptoms of diabetic nephropathy should be promptly treated, otherwise there may be developed into uremia or renal failure, understand the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is very necessary, then , the main symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, what does?
1, edema, in patients with early diabetic nephropathy is usually no swelling, a small number of patients in the reduced plasma protein, may have mild swelling, edema occurs when the 24-hour urine protein of more than 3 grams. Obvious systemic edema, found only in the rapid development of diabetic nephropathy.
2, hypertension, high blood pressure is common in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Severe kidney disease and more hypertension, high blood pressure can accelerate the progression of diabetic nephropathy and deterioration. Therefore, effective control of hypertension is very important.
3, proteinuria, glomerular filtration pressure increased and filtration membrane charge changes, only the albumin in the urine for the selective proteinuria, no globulin increase, this state is sustainable for many years. With the increase of the glomerular basement membrane filter pore, the macromolecules can be via non-selective clinical proteinuria, urinary protein gradually becomes persistent heavy proteinuria with the further development of the lesions, proteinuria over 3 g / day, is a sign of poor prognosis. The severity of diabetic nephropathy in patients with proteinuria mostly sexual development, until the emergence of the nephrotic syndrome.
4, renal insufficiency, diabetic nephropathy, once started, the process is progressive azotemia, uremia is the final outcome.
5 obvious azotemia, anemia, diabetes patients may have mild to moderate anemia, iron therapy is not valid. Anemia, erythropoietin due to an impediment, may be associated with long-term restricted protein diet, azotemia related.

Patients with diabetic nephropathy in pregnancy

Can pregnant women with diabetes are more concerned with pregnancy is indeed a difficult thing for women with diabetes in clinical practice, generally women with diabetes is more than pregnancy should not be, then, female patients with diabetic nephropathy inability to conceive it?
Normally we all know, the women's stage of pregnancy is a very painful process, a female friend during the loss of a considerable portion of the blood. When female fertility, the body's blood circulation faster, blood volume will be an increase of about 1/3 or more than before pregnancy. Due to the increase in the amount of blood circulation through the renal blood flow will increase, thus pregnancy will increase the burden on the kidneys. While, if ever, women suffering from diabetic nephropathy did not receive a thorough treatment, the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy has not been alleviated, and associated with high blood pressure and urinary protein, then the pregnancy will lead to the aggravation of glomerular lesions, leading to renal failure easy, but in the latter part of pregnancy complicated by pregnancy induced hypertension.
Pregnancy induced hypertension deterioration of diabetic nephropathy. Which will affect the function of the placenta, resulting in the infant hypoxia, premature birth and stillbirth. Therefore, female patients with diabetic nephropathy, if the pregnancy will have adverse maternal and child female patients with diabetic nephropathy pregnancy?
Patients with diabetic nephropathy can not be pregnant it? Especially for women, women have the following symptoms in patients with diabetic nephropathy should not be pregnant:
1, in patients with moderate renal insufficiency can not be pregnant. Such patients, such as the high incidence of fetal growth retardation and premature pregnancy, and maternal renal function can also be a progressive deterioration.
2, patients with secondary renal diseases such as lupus nephritis can not be pregnant. These patients after pregnancy can induce or aggravate the condition, it should be very careful.
Nephrotic syndrome due to low plasma albumin. This situation often leads to fetal growth retardation and preterm children is not conducive to the principles of eugenics.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Fluctuating Blood Pressure in Kidney Disease

Blood pressure is usually low when dialysis is over due to the fluid being removed. Dialysis also filters out BP meds so she shouldn't take them until after dialysis. Most dialysis patients who also have BP problems often need their meds adjusted. The staff should be monitoring her charts and making the necessary adjustments.
In general, persons in the two high blood pressure groups had either hypertension or prehypertension, whereas those in the other two groups had blood pressure that was considered normal. Those with the lowest fluctuations experienced changes of about 5.5 percent (among those with low blood pressure) and 5.2 percent (among those with high blood pressure), compared with 14.2 percent among those in the high-fluctuating groups.
Unhealthy diet
Hypertensive kidney disease patients in their daily lives must be strict control of tobacco and alcohol. Smoking is harmful to health, it has been the formation of generally recognized. Drinking is still a hobby of many friends in menopause, does not know that alcohol is very unfavorable for hypertension, especially excessive alcohol consumption. Therefore, menopausal patients with hypertension should be strictly controlled alcohol and tobacco.

In hemodialysis, the impacted people necessitate bloodstream blood circulation outside of kind so it are heading to be really susceptible to include an effect on the haemodynamics leading to fluctuating bloodstream pressure. with this case, the impacted people have to inform their doctors at immediately after and affect the dialysis appliance properly. Moreover, once the dialysis is done excessively, it is heading to cause dehydration. Therefore, the bloodstream size diminishes and bloodstream stress rises. as a means in order to avoid dehydration, the doctors have to compute the patients’ take dampness out undesirable weight forward of dialysis. Also the impacted people have to get ready a weighing range to weigh them regularly.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Strengthening exercise can lower blood sugar?

In which the treatment of diabetes and glucose control, exercise is an essential part of one, exercise can really hypoglycemic you?
Strengthening exercises in the control of the diabetic condition has the following advantages:
1, exercise blood lipid and blood pressure. Have a class called "low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood cholesterol," bad "cholesterol, and coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease related to the occurrence of high density lipoprotein cholesterol is" good cholesterol ". The study found that exercise can increase the "good cholesterol", effective prevention and treatment of hypertension, coronary heart disease and high cholesterol.
2, exercise can lower blood sugar. Exercise can improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, enhanced insulin receptor affinity, and can increase muscle glucose utilization, in order to effectively improve glucose metabolism to reach hypoglycemic purpose.
3, exercise helps mental health. Diabetic patients with psychological problems in recent years has been more and more attention, bad mood, not only hinder the patients with active medical treatment, and emotional will cause blood sugar fluctuations. Diabetic patients to participate in sports, can increase the opportunities for exchanges between people, maintaining a good mood, thereby enhancing the confidence to overcome the disease.
4, the exercise can improve drug efficacy. Exercise can reduce body fat, the study found obese patients with type 2 diabetes weight loss, the body's insulin resistance lessens, thereby enhancing the efficacy of antidiabetic drugs.
5, the movement can strong muscles, enhance health and improve the body's immune system.

Fasting plasma glucose 8 is a diabetic

"In the past, have not been to eight, is 7. More than this morning as to detect 8.2 diabetes? Heard on diabetes be cured, I keep a few days do not eat sweet things, even the bread is not eat, can go on. ? "patients so asked.
Diabetes Treatment Center in Hebei experts gave this answer:
Hello! Suggest that you check the postprandial blood glucose, diabetes identified in the clinical standard is this:
1, fasting whole blood glucose ≥ 6.7 mm mol / l (120 mg / dL), plasma glucose ≥ 7.8 mmol / l (140 mg / dL), 2 replicate measurements can be diagnosed as diabetes.
2, when the fasting blood glucose over 11.1 mmol / l (200 mg / dL), insulin secretion, with little or lack of.
Therefore, when the fasting blood glucose was significantly higher, do not perform other checks, can be diagnosed as diabetes.
3, when the fasting whole blood glucose 5.6 mm mol / l (100 mg / dL), and plasma glucose 6.4 milli-mole / l (115 mg / dL) or more should be done glucose tolerance test.
If there are obvious symptoms of diabetes, you should first 2-hour postprandial blood glucose.
4, normal blood sugar normal in the 2-hour postprandial blood glucose does not exceed 5.6 mmol / l (100 mg / dL), plasma glucose does not exceed 6.4 mmol / l (115 mg / dL).
If the 2-hour postprandial blood glucose ≥ 7.8 mmol / l (140 mg / dL), plasma glucose ≥ 8.9 mmol / l (160 mg / dL) can be diagnosed as diabetes.
In addition, your diet is wrong, the staple food do not eat is not enough, but in moderation. Some sugar Friends of the blood sugar is more than 9:00, after the investigation is impaired glucose tolerance, diet control, exercise, blood glucose has been controlled within the normal range, so, if you follow the scientific method to control blood sugar is also can be restored to normal value.

How To Control Post Prandial Blood Sugars

For people with diabetes, blood glucose level is critical, it has a direct impact on the patient's condition and health status, long-term control of blood sugar is not good, but also lead to a variety of complications, so for people with diabetes said, must control the blood sugar, because people do not pay attention at dinner time, so often the relatively high postprandial blood glucose, diabetes, high postprandial blood glucose, how do?
Diabetes postprandial blood glucose is high how to do?
1, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Insulin
After breakfast, due to lack of basal insulin secretion caused by high blood sugar, plus bedtime intermediate-acting insulin can help control fasting blood glucose, and thus make the blood glucose decreased significantly after breakfast.
Diabetes treatment center in Hebei experts advise: postprandial blood glucose in patients with mixed insulin preparations to note two points: First, close observation of blood glucose, insulin dosage adjusted according to the small magnitude of the blood glucose level; is to prevent low blood sugar every time to adjust to a point dosage of 2-3 days to adjust, until satisfied.
2, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Breakfast
Postprandial blood glucose in diabetic patients, the breakfast also be replaced by "thick" porridge heating time is longer, starch easily converted into dextrin and then easily broken down into glucose, At the same time, the porridge was semi-fluid state, gastric emptying is a relatively short time after eating, eat porridge to eat staple food easier to elevated postprandial blood glucose. Therefore, breakfast is best not only porridge together, to eat a "dense" food, adhere to eat the staple food.
3, diabetes, postprandial blood glucose is high how to do? - Hypoglycemic agents
Diabetes Treatment Center in Hebei experts pointed out that the high postprandial blood glucose, diabetes, hypoglycemic agents, should be replaced with available hypoglycemic agents, use once a day up to the US-Hong sustained release tablets or acting insulin similar drugs can effectively complement the insulin control of postprandial hyperglycemia, and safety and security, acarbose can delay the absorption of carbohydrates after a meal, is the control of postprandial hyperglycemia better drugs.
The experts advise: patients with high postprandial blood glucose in order to avoid insulin use excessive glycemic control are not satisfied with oral hypoglycemic agents, such as the commonly used metformin. The drug can reduce the role of liver glycogen decomposition, but also have to confront the effects of insulin resistance; In thiazolidine TZDs also have the same effect. Used in the clinic have a list of ketone. Two - hour postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with the aforementioned drugs still can not control the service should also add a glucosidase inhibitor acarbose (Glucobay), can achieve good treatment

High blood sugar can drink beer

More harm than good for high blood sugar, drinking beer, a bottle of beer calories 500 kcal, drinking too much will cause beer belly, that is, abdominal obesity, is very detrimental to the patient.
Alcohol will be paralysis of the body which would have no sensitivity of insulin receptors, so that your body's insulin resistance further exacerbated by causing your blood glucose control more unstable. Also, if you are using oral drugs hypoglycemic if alcohol will make your efficacy imbalance. Usually must pay attention to tobacco and alcohol, a strict diet, but also regular exercise.
The ethanol content of beer is low, metabolism is susceptible to diabetic patients neglect to drink. Beer hops contain law grass ketone, can increase the body to absorb glucose, into the staple food, drink, will accelerate the body's low blood sugar reactions, coupled with its own sedative and hypnotic effects, in the case of the body of hypoglycemia, easier to hypoglycemia of the serious consequences of deep coma.

High blood sugar can drink beer

More harm than good for high blood sugar, drinking beer, a bottle of beer calories 500 kcal, drinking too much will cause beer belly, that is, abdominal obesity, is very detrimental to the patient.
Alcohol will be paralysis of the body which would have no sensitivity of insulin receptors, so that your body's insulin resistance further exacerbated by causing your blood glucose control more unstable. Also, if you are using oral drugs hypoglycemic if alcohol will make your efficacy imbalance. Usually must pay attention to tobacco and alcohol, a strict diet, but also regular exercise.
The ethanol content of beer is low, metabolism is susceptible to diabetic patients neglect to drink. Beer hops contain law grass ketone, can increase the body to absorb glucose, into the staple food, drink, will accelerate the body's low blood sugar reactions, coupled with its own sedative and hypnotic effects, in the case of the body of hypoglycemia, easier to hypoglycemia of the serious consequences of deep coma.

People with diabetes how to prevent low blood sugar

For people with diabetes, especially in elderly people with diabetes, the hazards of low blood sugar is much higher than the high blood sugar. So, what is low blood sugar?
Criteria of low blood sugar:
Blood glucose concentrations below 2.8 mmol / l is considered to be low blood sugar.
Clinical symptoms of low blood sugar:
Palpitation, trembling, cold sweats, pale, cold extremities, numbness, while dizziness, irritability, anxiety, lack of concentration and mental disorder and other neurological symptoms.
The hazards of low blood sugar:
A long-term repeated severe hypoglycemia episodes may lead to irreversible damage of the central nervous system caused by patients with personality variation, mental disorders, dementia.
2, low blood sugar coma for too long undetected can cause death.
3, low blood sugar, the body's adrenaline, glucocorticoids, pancreatic glucagon and growth hormone, glucagon increased, leading to a reactive hyperglycemia (hematoxylin Jie effect), resulting in blood sugar fluctuations and exacerbations.
4, low blood sugar can also stimulate the cardiovascular system, induce arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, stroke.
People with diabetes how to prevent low blood sugar?
Patterns of life, to develop good habits, eating regular quantitative, to maintain the basic stability of the daily food intake. Actively Dining System, eating three meals a day at least, easy to hypoglycemia or condition of instability in patients with an additional 2 to 3 times between the three meals snacks. Absorbed from the three meals a part of the food reserved for snacks.
2, self-monitoring of blood glucose can significantly reduce the incidence of low blood sugar, monitoring of blood glucose at bedtime.
3, a diabetic patient when going out players to carry the two treasures: First, the food such as candy, cookies, etc., first aid card, your name, telephone, medication, etc..
4, the rational use of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents, excessive drug use is the leading cause of hypoglycemia, timely adjustment of drug dose according to the disease.
Exercise therapy is one of the carriages of the comprehensive treatment of the diabetic patients. Strenuous exercise can cause low blood sugar occur, so the increase in strenuous exercise or physical activity should be timely and snacks or, where appropriate, to reduce the amount of insulin.

How To Lower Blood Sugar

Most of the high blood sugar in patients, the side are equipped with a blood glucose meter for testing, but this tool is good, if not just right, then it will have serious consequences. So, how can we reduce the error of blood glucose?
Blood is necessary to regulate
When the blood of some patients because of afraid of the pain, the choice of light lancets, the result is less blood flow out, went to the extrusion of parts of the acupuncture treatment of blood squeezed out so that the measurement of blood glucose is not accurate. Fluid outflow, because the extrusion of an acupuncture treatment site will be lead to low blood glucose measurement value.
Test strips you want to match
Blood glucose meters, more variety, from the way of the blood can be divided into the vampire's blood glucose meters and blood glucose meter. Regardless of the patient's blood glucose meter to choose which manufacturers, the manufacturers must use test strips. Different styles of the blood glucose meter test strips are not the same blood glucose meter, you must use a blood test strips, blood glucose meters of the bloodsucking vampire test strips must be used. Test strips from the same manufacturer, different batches, not common. Pack of test strips has a code, before the measurement instrument according to the dipstick number of adjustments to normal use.
The correct method of measurement
Wash hands with warm water or neutral soap, repeatedly rub ready to prick the finger, until the rich blood supply. With 75% alcohol disinfection of the pulp, to dry.
2 blood glucose meter switch to open, with the vampire blood glucose meter, take a test strip is inserted into the machine; take a blood glucose meter, test strips in your hand (fingers can not touch the dipstick test area).
3 Remove the dipstick readily cap tube tightly closed, Lancing close to the pulp, pressing the spring switch acupuncture pulp. The ring finger on both sides to take the blood of the best, because of its rich in blood vessels and nerve endings in the distribution of less, not only does not hurt and bleeding fully.
If it is a vampire blood glucose meter blood will be bothered by dipstick private area waiting for the results; if it is a blood glucose meter, it will be a drop full of drops of blood, or wipe the dipstick test area, the test strip is inserted into the machine waiting for the results . Do not append the blood, otherwise it will lead to inaccurate test results.

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Many patients in the blood sugar does not know how much blood sugar normal, do not know their blood glucose is high, is not diabetic, following the problems we are more concerned about the detailed description.
Fasting blood glucose normal range:
Normal fasting blood glucose range is 3.9-6.1mmol / L (70-110mg/dL), higher than 7.0mmol / L (126mg/dL) diagnosed with diabetes. Fasting diabetes diagnostic criteria 7.0 mmol or 126 mg of this standard, you can see the diagnosis of normal and diabetic fasting there is a gap. Some people are neither normal, nor to diabetes. Tube such symptoms is called the fasting plasma glucose level (impaired).
Postprandial blood glucose normal range:
The normal two hours postprandial blood sugar range is 3.9-7.8mmol / L (70-140mg/dL). The diagnostic criteria of the postprandial blood glucose 11.1 mmol or 200 mg or more. Then there is a gap between 140 and 200. If the blood sugar at this stage, we call it doing the postprandial hyperglycemia.
This is neither the diabetes is not normal. However, this is very dangerous to blood sugar, it is easy to get diabetes. Such people must be careful. Hat hanging over his head. If not avoided, will soon wear the hat of diabetes. Even if it is completely normal blood sugar, if you have some risk factors have to pay attention to the prevention of diabetes.
High blood sugar is usually mentioned in the "three high" high. Modern society, due to the improvement of living standards and unhealthy living habits, many people are likely to will be blood sugar is high, if not controlled in time, there is the evolution of diabetes in danger.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Chinese medicine can improve insulin resistance

TCM has a unique effect, our research staff, contained in ancient Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine treatment of Diabetes researched a lot in the process of treatment of diabetes, found that drugs with hypoglycemic effect of 70 kinds of clinical hypoglycemic more than 20 kinds of drugs, such as ginseng, yellow, mulberry, Morus alba, Anemarrhena, TCS, Velvet Fever rhubarb, herb, Atractylodes, Campanulaceae, Astragalus, Chinese yam, Ophiopogon, Polygonatum, wolfberry fruit, Ligustrum lucidum, mountain The dogwood meat, Digupi, corn Silk, cocklebur, Acanthopanax, white peony root, silkworm, licorice, white fungus, fungus, Epimedium, Scrophulariaceae and other. Improve insulin resistance in drug research is focused on berberine, rhubarb, Astragalus, Rehmannia, ginseng, barley, puerarin and other drugs.
Astragalus exogenous TNF-X induced insulin resistance have a significant preventive effect may reduce the antagonistic hormone levels in the blood and increase the organization glycogen synthesis.
Ginseng is generally believed that the hypoglycemic ingredients of ginseng ginseng polysaccharides and ginsenosides and ginseng aqueous extract. Which ginseng water extract may play a role by enhancing insulin sensitivity, increase insulin receptor combination of.
Barley barley polysaccharides can improve the experimental type 2 diabetic rats impaired glucose tolerance, increased liver glycogen and liver glucokinase activity. And showed some dose-effect relationship, but had no effect on blood glucose levels of insulin and insulin receptor binding rate and receptor maximal binding capacity, suggesting that the improvement of the mechanism of type 2 diabetes insulin resistance and the regulation of glucose metabolism activity.
The Pueraria contain flavonoids and high-carbohydrate hypoglycemic substances, mainly to promote islet β-cell. The role of slow and long-lasting. Experimental studies have shown that intravenous infusion of puerarin can improve type 2 diabetes glycemic control, increases the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Insulin treatment of diabetes diabetes insulin treatment

For diabetic patients, regardless of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, are more important, and most patients with diabetes need insulin therapy, but it is more important to grasp the correct insulin treatment for diabetes, otherwise, there will be a variety of insulin side effects.
Insulin treatment of diabetes in the right way:
1, for newly admitted patients complained of insulin dose, if there is no written materials, giving the dose must pay attention to the prevention of hypoglycemic events; premixed insulin before use to mix.
Self-diabetic patients with short-acting and long-acting insulin, pumping method is to short in length, but also insulin hypoglycemic effect observed, the diabetes treatment center in Hebei experts have warned that patients with diabetes: Probably 1u insulin so that blood sugar drop 1mmol / l from top to bottom, of course, to analyze specific issues.
3, patients with diabetes during hospitalization to avoid hypoglycemia event, we all know that the lives of patients with high blood sugar on an annual basis, the lives of patients with low blood sugar is in minutes; low blood sugar will give the patient a psychological burden, that the doctors at the hospital help the next will not help doctors may be more hypoglycemia hypoglycemia, at home, so tight glycemic control, there is a certain psychological barrier, adverse glycemic control in the future.

How many types of insulin by source?

Many types of insulin, classification, can be the source of the production process, the role of time, the purity of classified, in accordance with the source of which can be divided into the following categories:
Animal insulin: is extracted from the pancreas of pigs or cattle, are not identical in their amino acid structure of human insulin, the impurity content, the lowest efficiency antigen and strong. Animal insulin has been rarely used in developed countries and regions, because of its cheap, still in use in China's rural grass-roots hospitals. Should be noted that animal insulin into human insulin dose should be reduced by 15% to 20%, or it may increase the risk of hypoglycemia.
(2) human insulin: is the use of recombinant DNA technology to produce self-generated structure is exactly the same insulin, it overcomes the shortcomings of animal insulin, and free of impurities, high titer, weak antigenicity. Human insulin is currently the most widely used insulin, its representative product the Novolin series the Humulin series and the domestic Gansulin series insulin.
Porcine insulin: from porcine pancreas extract from molecules in only one amino acid different from human insulin, which means that it is the closest to human insulin structure, so the high efficacy, low antigenicity, our own production of insulin mainly porcine insulin preparations, including the current production of the highest purity the Xuzhou neutral insulin or porcine insulin .

Synthesis rate of insulin in the body by which factors

Insulin and C-peptide in the same molecule secretion into the blood. Clinical patients treated with insulin, insulin antibodies present in serum, radioimmunoassay determination of blood insulin levels, by measuring plasma C-peptide levels in this case, to understand the endogenous insulin secretion. So, the synthesis rate of insulin in the body by which factors?
1, plasma glucose concentration is the most important factors affecting insulin secretion. After oral or intravenous glucose, insulin release was the two-phase reaction. Early rapid phase, the portal vein plasma insulin to achieve the highest value within two minutes, then rapidly decreased; delayed slow phase,
After 10 minutes, plasma insulin levels increased gradually, and lasted for more than one hour. The early fast phase of glucose to promote the storage of insulin release, delayed slow phase shows the synthesis of insulin and proinsulin change insulin.
2, containing more protein food after eating, blood amino acid concentrations increased, also increased insulin secretion. Arginine, lysine, leucine and phenylalanine are strong stimulation of insulin secretion.
Gastrointestinal hormone increased after meals, can stimulate insulin secretion such as gastrin, secretin, gastric Yitai, vasoactive intestinal peptide stimulate insulin secretion.

Is Insulin sensitizers good

Insulin sensitizers in insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, patients using insulin sensitizers in the end it really good?
Insulin sensitizer for the crowd:
Insulin resistance is commonly found in type 2 diabetes is the major risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Therefore, the drug treatment of type 2 diabetes should be cause, for its focus on improving insulin resistance. Especially for obese patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, heavier, more appropriate for insulin sensitizers. Relatively short for the main course of insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin sensitizers monotherapy can receive a better effect, the effect of maintenance therapy is also very good. Research has shown that early in type 2 diabetes, rosiglitazone treatment of type 2 diabetes blood sugar long-term compliance to provide the benefits. If type 2 diabetes duration of longer length, not only insulin resistance, endogenous islet function is also relatively poor, you need a combination of oral hypoglycemic drugs. Can be combined sulfonylurea and non-sulfonylurea insulin secretagogue and metformin. Rosiglitazone recommended dose of 8 mg / day, the recommended dose of pioglitazone 15 to 45 mg / day.
Tip: The insulin sensitizer, only the body cells to increase insulin sensitivity, and only play a role in the case of surviving islet B cell function, not for the absolute lack of insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Adverse reactions of the insulin sensitizer
Thiazole TZDs may cause weight gain and peripheral edema. Edema rate of 4% to 6%, while the incidence of placebo or other hypoglycemic drug treatment group edema 1% to 2%. Edema may induce heart failure. The FDA in the warning in the prescribing information. TZDs for patients with previous heart failure prescription thiazoles, should be carefully considered. Therefore proposed to be bad for the elderly and heart function, avoid the use of these drugs. Thiazolidine TZDs treatment caused a mild dilution anemia is more common, but may not have clinical significance. Another reported that those drugs can cause bone loss in patients older women, the limbs increase in the incidence of fractures. Therefore, the fracture risk in female patients in the choice of antidiabetic drugs should be fully consider the adverse effects of thiazole TZDs

People with diabetes should use what kind of dosage form of insulin?

People with diabetes should use what kind of dosage form of insulin?
The impression of many diabetic patients, if short-acting insulin effect is not good, we must switch to the medium or long-acting insulin, in fact, this argument is wrong. Different formulations of insulin treatment onset time, duration of efficacy, and usage can not be replaced.
Slow, long-acting insulin onset but relatively long duration of efficacy, it simply is able to control blood sugar for a long time, short-acting insulin from the onset time is faster, but very short duration of efficacy, it can only a short period of time blood glucose control, duration of onset and efficacy of insulin in between. Therefore, every person with diabetes should be selected according to the condition of different formulations of insulin.
From the clinical point of view, never used insulin in patients with diabetes early, you must first choice for short-acting insulin, postprandial hyperglycemia and diabetic patients in the acute phase of infection should be used short-acting insulin, and good results. Short-acting insulin (also known as regular insulin) should be 30 minutes before a meal subcutaneous injection of the past two years, listed acting insulin effect quickly, before a meal within 15 minutes of injection can be, if these two insulin injection prematurely will cause low glycemic response.
In general, if during the day have been taking hypoglycemic agents, for further control of blood glucose, bedtime injectable insulin. Meanwhile, in order to reduce the number of insulin in insulin and short-acting insulin used in conjunction. The long-acting insulin alone the effect of poor, often used in combination with short-acting insulin in order to reduce the number of injections.

Insulin injections and Diet

Many patients do not pay attention to the process of insulin on the regulation of the diet, some people believe that: I played the insulin, diet, I can easily eat, this view is wrong in the process of insulin injections in the diet, we still need to pay attention. Insulin and diet exactly what kind of relationship? Diet for the treatment of insulin also plays what role?
1, the diet can effectively adjust the insulin dosage
Regular feeding, the role of the insulin effectively, but also could be better, faster insulin dosage and adjusted to the optimum level.
2, the diet can prevent low blood sugar
Why the use of insulin therapy, easy to hypoglycemia reaction it? Because of the slow subcutaneous injection of insulin, insulin absorption and effect. The purpose of the injection of insulin before the meal is a postprandial blood glucose down to a 2-hour postprandial blood sugar down when the subcutaneous injection of insulin is slowly absorbed, its role has not disappeared entirely, so the 2-hour postprandial of blood glucose in insulin action, but also continued to decline. Then, if the food intake, can cause low blood sugar. Low blood sugar can cause a lot of accidents, such as cerebrovascular accidents, cardiac events. Avoid postprandial hypoglycemia, it is necessary to lower blood sugar has gone up a small amount of snacks in the 2-hour postprandial.
3, the diet help reduce the amount of insulin
In general, high-calorie dietary intake, the activities of a small amount of insulin needs large amount of dietary intake is low in calories, volume of the activities insulin requirements. If the diet is reasonable, is bound to rationalize the amount of insulin, can also enhance the body's sensitivity to insulin, thus helping to reduce insulin doses.

What is a human insulin analogue

In a sense, human insulin analogue, is not the true sense of the insulin, but its diabetes insulin treatment were upgraded to a new level. The hypoglycemic effect of human insulin analogues and human insulin is comparable to, and some of its characteristics and even more in line with the physiological requirements of the human body than human insulin.
At present, human insulin analogue is divided into the following two:
A long-acting human insulin analogues
Traditional, long-acting insulin (NPH, PZI, etc.) will appear after subcutaneous injection of the peak blood concentration, coupled with drug absorption is not stable enough, it is difficult to provide a relatively stable, close to the physiological state of basal insulin levels. At present, long-acting human insulin analogues (such as Lantus) characteristics of drug absorption, stability, and no obvious peak can simulate the physiological basis of insulin secretion, lasting efficacy, once daily injection, the effect can be maintained for 24 hours every day at any time injection (as long as daily injection time is relatively fixed to).
2, available human insulin analogues
The main features of the available human insulin analogues: (1) onset of fast, 15 minutes after subcutaneous injection of onset; ② peak quickly after injection of 30 to 60 minutes to reach the pharmacodynamic peak coincided with the postprandial glucose peak time match control of postprandial blood glucose effect; the ③ efficacy to maintain a short time, about three hours (2-4 hours).

What are the types of insulin

Insulin have different types, different insulin plays a different effect, then, the type of insulin?
Commonly used insulin:
1, premixed insulin: premixed insulin is short-acting or quick preparation and action preparations, different combinations of agents, to produce an effect in between preparations. The onset short-acting insulin and premixed insulin preparations are generally 0.5 to 1.5 hours after subcutaneous injection of 1 to 5 hours of peak effect, duration of action of 8 to 24 hours. Acting insulin and premixed insulin preparations in general onset within 10-20 minutes after subcutaneous injection of 1 to 4 hours of peak effect, the role of the duration of 8 to 24 hours. All Department refill specifications.
2, long-acting insulin (PZI): also known as protamine zinc insulin, the onset time of three to four hours, the peak effect was 14 to 20 hours, a duration of about 24 to 36 hours. Subcutaneous injection. Inexpensive, can be used as basal insulin used in diabetes, but the subcutaneous absorption is poor, the efficacy of instability, there are side effects of peak and low blood sugar, in recent years has been rarely used.
3, the effect of insulin (N, NPN): also known as isophane insulin suspension, or intermediate-acting isophane insulin. The onset time of 1.5 to 4 hours, 6 to 10 hours of the role of peak duration of about 12 to 14 hours. Subcutaneous injection. Each 10ml, containing 400 units or 800 units.
4, short-acting insulin (R): also known as regular insulin, regular insulin or neutral insulin injection, time of onset is about 30 minutes, the role of peak 2 to 4 hours, duration of 5 to 8 hours. Each 10ml, containing 400 or 800 units, subcutaneously, or the amount of intravenous infusion.
5, ultra-short acting insulin analogues: also known as the acting insulin preparations have the analogues of insulin aspart and lispro insulin analogue, after subcutaneous injection of 0.5? 1 hours came into force 1? 4 hours of peak effect, at time 3? 7 hours; onset of 10-30 minutes of intravenous injection, 15? 30 minutes and reached the peak duration of 0.5? 1 hour. Refill Size: 3ml containing 300 units. Bottled specifications: Each 10ml, containing 400 units.

Chinese medicine treatment for type 1 diabetes

Chinese medicine treatment for type 1 diabetes has its own unique treatment, and traditional Chinese medicine therapy can effectively avoid the side effects of drugs on patients, fundamental therapy, Chinese medicine treatment of type 1 diabetes is mainly used to consolidate with type 1 diabetes, a variety of physiological functions can effectively avoid the complications of type 1 diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes the initial presenting symptoms are not very obvious to timely diagnosis and the work of the Chinese medicine treatment of type 1 diabetes, patients often experience dry mouth, drink more, eat more, lower extremity numbness, it is easy patients to ignore the problem which led to the deterioration of the condition, it is recommended that patients should always check the following method of Chinese medicine treatment of type 1 diabetes. Patients presented with proposed yin qi Jianpihuashitang, the main rule. In the choice of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes, like heterophylla, Ophiopogon, Asparagus, Polygonatum, white peony root, ginger summer, dried tangerine peel, Zhuru, yam and medicine, fried yi ren, Verbena grass, sage, the Soviet Union stems, licorice, these are relatively good Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese medicine treatment of type 1 diabetes. In conjunction with acupuncture and ear buried seeds: lower limbs take the full three years, Yin Ling Quan, Sanyinjiao, too River, absolutely bone points, take the reinforcing-reducing techniques can alleviate the symptoms of diabetes, to achieve the purpose of rehabilitation of disease.
Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes is the characteristics of the treatment of diabetes in China, Western medicine can not be replaced, in the treatment of diabetes patients who should believe in the unique treatment and effects of Chinese medicine.

Saturday 14 July 2012

How to treat diabetes with creatinin 600

Diabetes is due to inadequate insulin secretion is absolutely and relatively inadequate insulin secretion and insulin resistance causes a series of pathological changes. Conventional treatment
Primarily promoting insulin secretion of pancreatic islet beta cells secrete insulin, enhanced peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin and slow the absorption of glucose.
Or insulin replacement therapy and other methods. Only blood glucose control reduced the complications of diabetes. And lifelong medication. And diabetic nephropathy mainly due to long
High blood sugar cause kidney function during cell, which is epithelial cells, endothelial cells, mesangial cells of secondary damage, cause the basement membrane of negative charge
Fall filtration barrier dysfunction, poor glomerular filtration rate, renal cell damage, kidney Detox functionality, it can not be timely
Toxins in the body resulting from the discharge of creatinine rise, now is a formation of renal fibrosis, so you say that the present case, the key is
In the control of blood sugar at the same time, repair function of the kidney cells, blocking renal fibrosis, prevent progression, repairing treatment gradually in place, slow
Solutions due to Glomerular sclerosis, interstitial fibrosis brings a series of symptoms of poisoning, activates cell function, expanding a filtration area, improved filtration,
So blood creatinine increased, blood urea nitrogen and uric acid gradually passed out of. At the same time blocking insulin resistance, susceptibility gene for repair, gradually returned to normal physique.

How to prevent and treat diabetic nephropathy

The formation of diabetic nephropathy is a process of diabetic nephropathy is preventable and governance, according to the degree of the disease process of diabetic nephropathy, the different stages of different treatment methods, the prevention of diabetic nephropathy can not ignore, proactive and preventive to avoid diabetesnephropathy, and then how to better treatment and prevention of diabetic nephropathy?
Prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy principles: strict control of blood sugar, blood sugar close to normal levels as possible, to prevent and delay the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy; slow down the rate of decline of renal function; replacement therapy such as dialysis and renal transplantation. Specific therapeutic measures are as follows:
(1) strict control of blood glucose in the early stage of diabetes (diabetic nephropathy ID of before), strict glycemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes with insulin pumps or multiple subcutaneous insulin, blood glucose near normal levels, can delay or even prevent the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and development to reduce the increased glomerular filtration rate and improve microalbuminuria.
The DCCT studies have shown that intensive insulin-consistent treatment in patients with type 1 diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, the risk decreased by 35% to 56%, once again proved that in the European diabetes meeting English mUKPDS study: type 2 diabetes with oral hypoglycemic agents or / and intensive insulin therapy, the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and end-stage renal disease was significantly lower than the conventional treatment group, there is sufficient evidence that good control of diabetes prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
(2) control of hypertension, diabetes, hypertension will accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, antihypertensive, antihypertensive therapy can slow down the development of nephropathy and reduce urinary albumin excretion. British UKPDS study with hypertension, type 2 diabetes is a single p-blocker Atenolol is conducive to the prevention and treatment of kidney disease. Currently considered in the choice of antihypertensive drugs to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor efficacy, side effects, and a mild hypoglycemic effect, can be used as the first choice. Other antihypertensive drugs such as calcium antagonists, beta blockers, diuretics, alone or in combination with the condition of patients. Blood pressure in patients with diabetes should be controlled at below 140/90mmHg to 120/80mmHg or so as well. Observed that blood pressure dropped from 160/95mmHg to 135/85mmHg, urinary protein excretion was significantly reduced rate of decline of glomerular filtration rate from lml of / min / month dropped 0.35ml/min / month clinical diabetic nephropathy survival of also significantly longer, 10-year cumulative mortality of antihypertensive therapy for 50% to 70%, dropped to 18% after treatment.
(3) limit protein intake is appropriate to reduce the number of protein in the diet can reduce the pressure in the glomerular to reduce Gao filtration and reduce proteinuria.Associated with obvious edema (nephrotic syndrome) do not have to give too much protein, due to unfavorable condition, does not help the swelling subsided, it should give a low-salt diet and the strengthening of the diuretic, the preferred furosemide. Large doses of diuretics ineffective in the short term ultrafiltration treatment to remove large amounts of water savings in the body, to eliminate swelling.
(4) dialysis and kidney transplantation, renal failure, dialysis or kidney transplantation is the only effective way. Diabetic nephropathy caused by chronic renal failure, should be taken early dialysis, kidney transplant conditions should Beng line as soon as possible.
Certain set to do the work of the prevention of diabetic nephropathy. Must be in mid-note every day note, always pay attention. Because nephropathy contraindications enemy of the kidney disease treatment.

What are causes the high creatinine of diabetic nephropathy

When it comes to diabetic nephropathy, we all know, diabetic nephropathy is the most serious diabetes complications, diabetic nephropathy appears creatinine increased more than the pathological symptoms of diabetic nephropathy in patients with the disease gradually increasing embodied. Elevated serum creatinine, indicating kidney serious injury.
Serum creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. Exogenous creatinine intake of stability, in vivo formation constant (daily 20mg/kg), serum creatinine concentration depends on the glomerular filtration function. But serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate is not completely consistent and the creatinine clearance, serum creatinine is more sensitive. Renal dysfunction early (decompensated), serum creatinine, creatinine clearance rate was normal.
What are the high creatinine of diabetic nephropathy reasons? When the diabetic kidney damage, glomerular filtration rate decreased more than 50% of the normal, serum creatinine began to rapidly rise, therefore, when the diabetic serum creatinine rise is obviously higher than normal, often renal function has seriously damaged. Creatinine clearance by glomerular enrichment function, in the case of impaired renal concentration, serum creatinine is a reflection of the most reliable indicator of glomerular function, but also reflect the indicators of renal function in diabetes. Normal male serum creatinine for the 53 ~ 106gmol / L, for women 44.2 ~ 97.2gmol / L.
Diabetic nephropathy can cure? 】 The traditional treatment is often directly aimed at the elimination of proteinuria to start treatment, not the root cause for the cause of proteinuria. That is the focus of the treatment on the repair of the epithelial cells and mesangial cells. A truly effective treatment measures should be integrated use of vasodilators, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and degradation of harmful substances, the use of drugs is not just a simple use of Chinese and Western medicines for individual treatment, and to keep the Western medicine treatment means of the increase in Chinese medicine based on treatment intensity, and a new combination of methods, such treatment will be very different. This method is called: micro-based medicine blocking renal fibrosis infiltration method.
Practice has proved that this treatment can be determined by the exact effect of the repair of the glomerular capillary epithelial cells: damage epithelial cells and mesangial cell function been fixed, the condition will get better, "disease", since improved epithelial cell function will be restored, restore the function, proteinuria will naturally disappear. This function after the resumption of proteinuria disappeared, then the probability of recurrence will reduce. Disease like a natural!

Effect of diabetic nephropathy undergoing hemodialysis ?

 In patients with diabetic nephropathy of advanced extremely susceptible to serious deterioration in renal function, even patients with uremia. Although not advanced diabetic nephropathy treated by dialysis patients the best treatment method, however, long-term regular dialysis treatment in a timely manner can significantly improve the survival rates of patients.
How should of hemodialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy? When serum creatinine in patients with diabetic nephropathy when 350-440umol/L should be prepared to vascular pathway when serum creatinine of more than 600umol/L, for dialysis treatment should be initiated. On the choice of dialysis time should be earlier than non-diabetic patients.
Patients need two dialysis methods according to the conditions and specific conditions (which peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis? ) To select it. Mainly long-term hemodialysis patients with end-stage diabetic nephropathy and ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment in two ways. It is understood that the vast majority of peritoneal dialysis patients with end-stage diabetic nephropathy, because it does not increase the load and stress of the heart, to better control of extracellular fluid volume and high blood pressure. Also, Intraperitoneal injection of insulin, the ease of operation cost savings, but some patients obesity due to long-term peritoneal dialysis absorb large amounts of glucose and high blood cholesterol.
Effect of diabetic nephropathy undergoing hemodialysis OK? Advanced how to choose a dialysis in diabetic nephropathy?
Hemodialysis: older, patients with more severe patients receiving dialysis treatment can, because dialysis time, regularity, then of uremic complications less if dialysis before and in the course of, better blood pressure control, attention to fluid balance, ensure rational nutrition, improved survival of patients. If long-term hemodialysis patients with diabetic nephropathy, 1-year survival rate of up to 80% per cent.
There were some problems but also in blood dialysis, such as poor vascular pathway, blood pressure fluctuations, deterioration or even blindness, and a variety of cardiovascular complications such as retinopathy.
Peritoneal dialysis: diabetic nephropathy undergoing peritoneal dialysis in 1-year survival rate for 80% a cent. Its main advantages are: ① ② high molecular substance in clearance of cardiovascular system more stable, better blood pressure control ③ avoid vascular pathway problems ④ retinopathy can be steady improvement ⑤ abdominal, cavity injection of insulin to enable better control blood glucose ⑥ peritoneal dialysis operations more convenient, the patient may deal with.
Disadvantages: ① prone abdominal infection, infection influence dialysis effect it. ② peritoneal dialysis daily protein l0g lost, should pay attention to protein intake.