Tuesday 14 August 2012

Why micro-Chinese medicine treatment of IGA nephritis?

Chinese medicine treatment or Western medicine treatment? Many patients are often on the Internet for these problems, the most appropriate treatment in order to know the disease which, first of all, let us first understand the next IGA nephritis?
IGA nephritis Definition: Primary IGA nephritis is an immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis, glomerular IgA deposition as the main feature, clinical hematuria, urinary protein, hypertension is the major clinical symptoms, almost all The IGA nephritis patients have hematuria.
IGA nephritis so how is it treated? There are several ways we look under the Western treatment: Western medicine to treat the disease are immunosuppressive agents, and hormones, the role of these two drugs is to inhibit the role of immune and anti-inflammatory . You can play a temporary reduction in immune complexes and the extracellular matrix, the incentive to temporarily remove the temporary control of the disease, the symptoms temporarily negative. Some patients thought that he was sick, and no longer need treatment. Everyone knows this effect depend on the drug out of the heap, and renal causes have not yet removed, renal intrinsic cells or damage symptoms, withdrawal, less medicine, cold, fatigue and other factors, recurrence or worsening of the IGA nephritis. And long-term use of hormones may bring side effects are really worrying.
We all know that Chinese medicine can dig up the roots of various diseases, but traditional Chinese medicine also has lots of functions, prepared for the IGA nephritis in patients with signs of herb decoction can really help ease the patient's condition, oral decoction need to go through the digestion and absorption The circulatory system can not get access kidney damage lesions, drug utilization is low enough to treat the disease.
In order to allow IGA nephritis patients both to avoid hormone therapy easy to recurrent episodes of suffering, but also make better use of the active ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. After ten years of research, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital launched a micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy, patients with kidney disease to see hope. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration show therapy is treatment for kidney disease?
1, the processing methods of traditional Chinese medicine is the crushing and boiling. We use high-tech micro-processing technology to make the powder finer, easier to absorb, and penetration through the kidney area in vitro Chinese medicine active substances directly served kidney damage lesions, drug utilization.
Disease patients with active period, or need to use Western means to be controlled, but this is not enough, while Chinese medicine therapies to repair kidney damage inherent in cells, degradation of extracellular matrix. Reach the kidney after the micro-TCM active substances, can play an anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, degradation of four, to accomplish this task, a fundamental treatment of IGA nephritis.
Yi (2) structural abnormalities of the poly IgA1 or IgA1 immune complexes in mesangial deposits, affecting the normal physiological function of the mesangial, one of the most prominent in the region occurred microcirculation, that is, ischemia and hypoxia, and further increased the damage of mesangial fibrosis and lead to glomerular inflammatory reaction, causing the release of inflammatory mediators of renal toxicity, so that the intrinsic cells of the entire glomerular damage, and then fibrosis pathological changes. Therefore, ischemia and hypoxia is the source of the factors of patients with renal fibrosis, the source is also a kidney cell damage inherent
Chinese medicine multi-target therapy of micro-IGA nephritis first to seize the source factors play a role in ischemia and hypoxia. Expansion of the renal artery at all levels, all levels of systemic artery to improve renal ischemia and hypoxia, to create the conditions for the repair of renal intrinsic cells.