Tuesday 7 August 2012

Micro chinese medicine treatment renal failure

The cause of renal failure because of a variety of causes kidney therefore inherent cell deformation and damage. With glomerular renal failure, for example, can explain our method of treatment: glomerular disease is an autoimmune disease, predisposing factors often combine to form immune complexes by the antigen or antibody, and deposition in glomeruli (immune complexes). The participation of inflammatory mediators (such as complement, interleukins, reactive oxygen species, etc.), and finally lead to glomerular injury. In the practice of treatment, the following measures:
(1) expansion of the renal artery, increasing the effective perfusion of the renal glomerular, tubular, quality, and accelerated damage to the cell i dependent, alleviate hypoxia.
(2) expansion of the systemic arterial blood, reduce and mitigate the high pressure of the body, especially to reduce glomerular pressure, reduce glomerular consider high state.
(3) formed by speeding up the method of dependents to avoid endothelial cells are not activated to inhibit the micro-tied.
(4) has been activated inflammatory cells to speed up the blood speed and in sufficient quantities to support, to inhibit chemotaxis and infiltration of a series of inflammatory factors, prevent abnormal release.
Clinical observation of reality, through the implementation of more than four treatment measures, the normal metabolic function of the glomerulus is activated, the when glomerular situation improved, the whole kidney function also will improve
2, Treatment of chronic renal failure, followed by treatment for the disease process
The process of development of chronic renal failure, effective renal units gradually decreased renal function loss. In this process, the kidneys gradually shrink, and a large number of glomerulosclerosis, tubulo - interstitial fibrosis. Therefore, the process of renal failure, deepening the process is the extent of renal fibrosis. Blocking renal fibrosis process for effective control of disease progression to uremia is important.
Blocking the process of renal fibrosis has been a major problem in the medical profession, although there are some research institutions that some traditional Chinese medicine has a certain effect of blocking the process of renal fibrosis, but the real applications are not many clinical. Hospital use of the drug is processed by the micro-based series of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine treatment by micro-technology, the increased activity of many medicines, it is difficult to play a role in the traditional conditions can also be brought into full play the role.
Renal fibrosis and the formation of a large number of extracellular matrix synthesis and accumulation has played a key role. The excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix will lead to organizational results and loss of function of the kidneys. In this process, the myofibroblasts to generate its major role in the synthesis of extracellular matrix can also be said that the myofibroblast is the main source of extracellular matrix. To this end blocking renal fibrosis process, must be blocked into the renal interstitial fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, transformed into a fundamental part. Hospital breakthrough synthesis of difficult to degrade collagen, and its mechanism: Effects of active substances in the human body and myofibroblasts molecules close integration (molecular valence bond), after fusion, the composition of myofibroblasts degradation, prompting muscle fibroblast cell lysis, and fragmentation. Cracking, broken myofibroblasts phagocytes or pieces excreted.