Tuesday 14 August 2012

Renal failure patients how to control the creatinine is not rising?

Serum creatinine is generally believed that endogenous creatinine, endogenous creatinine is a product of the metabolism of human muscle. The clinical detection of serum creatinine is one of the main methods commonly used in the understanding of renal function. Serum creatinine higher than normal most of the mean kidney damage, serum creatinine, a more accurate response to renal parenchymal damage. Serum creatinine normal measure of the hospital is not the same, In general, serum creatinine normal standard :44-133umol / L when the serum creatinine of more than 133umol / L means renal injury, have renal insufficiency and renal failure.
Experts, the main method of control creatinine rise following several:
1, drug control. Drugs to reduce creatinine Ai Xite, this drug can quickly lower creatinine values​​, but it should be noted that this therapy is only treating the symptoms not the illness, only to increase the number of discharge toxins from the body from other sources, to temporarily alleviate the high creatinine symptoms, and not a fundamental solution to the creatinine high. Long-term side effects, and once after discontinuation of the patients, creatinine values ​​will be rising rapidly, and even higher than before creatinine values​​.
2, diet control. This requires creatinine at which stage of renal insufficiency, creatinine level of different diets, there are differences, but no matter what stage had to follow the principle of kidney disease diet: low salt, low fat and a small amount of high-quality protein, avoid spicy.